Chapter 4

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WARNING 18 + READERS ONLY - Sexual Content

The breeze in the air was icy as the February weather took hold of the Essex seaside. Although it was a little chilly, Lila would set up a warm campfire outside her Beach Hut in the colder months.

The Beach hut was her escape from the vigors of life.
She didn't feel comfortable at home in her flat. Not only was her landlord putting her in a situation where declining his offers could mean she is homeless, but the damp was a nightmare as well as the damage it had done to the walls.

Lila walked with Eddie on the sand until they got to a blue hut that had a plaque on the door reading 'Blue Bolt'.
While Lila was looking for her keys to the hut in her bag, Eddie giggled at the name.

"What does it mean to you?" He smiled.

"Huh?" Lila wondered, before Eddie gesture to the plaque.
"Oh! That's the name of it. My grandmother called it that."

"I like it." Eddie said, thinking it was cute.

Lila finally found her keys and a "Uh huh!" Came from her mouth, to signal success in finding them.
She opened the door and walked in, putting her bag on the table at the back.
Although the hut was small, it was a lot bigger inside than Eddie initially thought. There was a little kitchenette and the bench like seats turned into a bed whenever needed. The hut had a small deck out the front where Lila had put a small table and chairs so she could watch the waves.

"This is amazing." Eddie said looking around. "Does it get cold?"

"Sometimes, but I got plug in radiators in the hut and the fire means I can sit outside" Lila smiles.

Eddie nods and looks toward the sea.
"Does anyone surf the waves? It looks like a good place to do it."

"Yeah, mainly in the summer months. They have a place you can hire Canoes, surfboards and kayaks just a little further down. You surf?" Lila replied.

Eddie chuckled.
"Just a's my past time between touring and writing. I did it before I joined the band, I love surfing."

"I can imagine you're pretty darn good at it too." Lila smiled at his enthusiasm for the sport.

"It's like, you have a really bad fucking day, then you ride the waves and it doesn't matter anymore. That thing you worried about or that thing that pissed you off no longer has a grip on you. That's why I like it so much." Eddie explained.

"That's beautiful." Lila replied with admiration. "I'm pretty similar with my art work. I've had a few shitty days and it just calms me. I put every piece of my emotions or thought into my sketches, it's like therapy."

Eddie remembers the portfolio under his arm and looks at it.
"Is your work in here?"

Lila nods
"Yeah, I carry it everywhere just incase I see something I want to sketch."

"Can I...?" Eddie asks, gesturing to the folder of work.

"Sure...but it's not all that good...some of the work are ideas and concepts I've had that just don't make it further than an A5 piece of paper." Lila explained.

Eddie opened the folder and looked at some of the clippings inside, as well as the large oil paintings and sketches.
"These are incredible. Have you ever taken them to a gallery to be displayed? It's so good Lila."

"Thanks, yeah I have. I had a couple of pieces go up for a charity auction around a year ago. Things have been kinda crazy lately so I just draw for fun and to help me through." Lila replies.

Eddie pulls out a piece title 'The Black Hole' depicting a tower, what looks to be an apartment building and a large devil type character looming over it. It was a charcoal piece where the building looked like it was falling apart just in black and white. It was a gloomy depiction of something, but Eddie couldn't figure out what.

Eddie (Eddie Vedder X OFC) /Pearl Jam OCWhere stories live. Discover now