Chapter 9

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Lila slowly opened her eyes, feeling pain as she did in her left eye.

She looked around the room and saw Eddie writing something on his hand with a black marker.

"Eddie..." she croaked, sounding pained.

Eddie looked up from jotting on his hand and put the cap on the pen before rushing to stand and moving to her side.

", how are you doing?" He said as he stroked some stray hairs away from her face.

"Where am I?" She asked, feeling more than groggy.

"You're in the hospital." Eddie replied.

"Uhh." Lila moaned, putting her hand on her forehead. "I have such a headache, my eye is killing me too."

"Honey, tell me what happened...what did he do?" Eddie said in that deep but soothing voice.

Lila stayed silent for a moment, a tear falling down her cheek.

"I don't want to talk about it." She sniffled, her bottom lip quivering as she tried not to breakdown.

"Lila, if we have a chance of getting that useless piece of shit locked up, you have to tell the cops what he did to you." Eddie said now, the most serious that Lila had ever seen him. "Why didn't you tell me what was happening?"

Lila nodded. "I just feel you would think I was pathetic for not getting out before. It's just not that easy. Plus it's not exactly what you tell the guy you are falling hard for. 'So I'm sleeping with my landlord to pay off the rent....oh and by the way I really like you'" She said in a mocking voice towards the end.

Eddie nodded.
"I would never think you were pathetic."

He took her hand into his, their fingers interlocking as he kissed Lila on the forehead.

"You didn't have to be here if you had rehearsals." Lila stated, trying to sit up now, hissing a little with pain.

"We were worried. Harry drove to your apartment to check on you so me and Stone said we'd go with you. Stone found you unconscious in your bedroom and we took you down to the Emergency room as soon as we could." Eddie explained.

"Stone and Harry are here?" Lila asked.

"Yeah, Stone's outside and Harry called your mom." Eddie said.

"Fuck sake." Lila said with a sigh.

"What's wrong baby?" Eddie asked.

"I don't want my mum knowing about this. I'm supposed to be looking after myself, now she'll just think I'm incapable of that. I can't go home, I don't want her to worry constantly about me." Lila explained.

"But she's your mom...I think she needs to know if her daughter is in the hospital." Eddie replied.

Lila sighed and nodded. "I know...I can't believe this is happening though."

Eddie took Lila's hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.
"I'm not gonna let that asshole touch you again."

"Thank you." Lila smiled slightly.

Suddenly the door crashed open.


"Hi mum."

Lila's mum ran over to her daughter in tears, throwing her arms around her daughter as she sobbed.

"My poor girl...." she said hugging Lila tightly.

"It's good to see you mum" Lila said.

Eddie backed away so the pair could spend time together.

"Lila, I'll be outside..." Eddie smiled.

Eddie (Eddie Vedder X OFC) /Pearl Jam OCWhere stories live. Discover now