Chapter 12

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The Gig - Monday Night

Disclaimer! The songs mentioned and used in this chapter are owned by the artists and their record label. I do not own them.

Lila had gone down to The Esplanade with a few friends, one of them who helped with her wheelchair.

She felt embarrassed going to a rock show in her condition. She wanted to get up and be front row to see Eddie perform and she wanted to dance all her troubles away.

The venue wasn't big at all, but it was a hot spot around town where people could have a great time and watch live music.

Harry saw Lila as he walked out of the back behind the bar. He rushed over to see how she was.

"Lila, alright girl? How are you feeling now?" Harry asked, looking concerned.

"I've been better, but thanks for your help over the weekend. I really appreciate it." Lila replied.

"Look you needed some help and I'm glad I could be there!" Harry said.

"Harry...I need to speak to you about work..." Lila said.

"Don't worry about this place. I'm giving you time off with pay for now, when you're ready to come back we can work something out." Harry responded.
"Tina...could you get Lila a drink on the house, please?" Harry called to one of the barmaids.

"That's amazing...but I think I might need a year off. I'm grateful for all you've done for me Harry, but I think I'm gonna go travelling." Lila admitted. "I'm not sure when I will be leaving. I have a lot to talk with Eddie about."

Harry's face turned to shock as he realised what she said.

"Uh...yeah absolutely! I mean...can you come down here tomorrow when we aren't as packed out and we can talk about it?" Harry asked.

Lila nodded.

"Sorry...I got a hundred and one things to do tonight, but I promise you we will talk properly tomorrow."

Lila nodded once more.
"It's all good Harry."

"Thanks mate...enjoy your night!"
With that Harry had gone out the back again to sort out a delivery that had come in an hour prior.

Lila wheeled herself to the bar and picked up the beverage Tina had made. A sparkling Apple Cider.
She took a sip and closed her eyes at the refreshing and crisp taste, as the alcohol felt smooth going down.

The friend that helped Lila in, Dana, came over after leaving the bathroom to hang out. She was a leggy, slim brunette with soft features and a calming smile. Out of all her friends, Dana was usually the one to attract guys with her supermodel body.

"You okay Li?" Dana asked. "You need anything?"

"I'm okay thanks. Just wish I could stand for this performance." Lila said looking a little down.

"I'm sorry. I can help you stand...although I might not be much help." Dana suggested as she ordered herself a pint of ale.

"It's okay. Thanks though."

"So where is this Eddie....I'm dying to meet the guy you're cuckoo over?!" Dana asked.

"Uh...I'm not sure...he might be in the tour bus." Lila replied also wondering where the band was.

A few moments later the band walked in to set up for the performance.

Dave set up his drum kit, with Mike and Jeff tuning their guitars and sorting the rig system.

Soon Stone and Eddie walked in, Stone had his guitar on his back in a case and Eddie with some paper in his right hand.

He looked around the venue, hoping to lock eyes with Lila. He didn't know if this would be the last time they would see each other, although he hoped it wouldn't be, he wanted to savour the time he had left with her.

Eddie (Eddie Vedder X OFC) /Pearl Jam OCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя