Chapter 4

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"Cancer, I want to do something! I want to hunt! I want to fight! PLEASE LET ME GET OUT OF THIS CLEARING! It's been the same since I GOT HERE!" I yowled, growling, eager to move around my stiff joints. Sagittarius would keep me company every now and again but I wanted to be of use to my packmates, to hunt again would be great. Cancer sighed,

"Alright, but I'm coming with you."

"Who said I wanted to go alone?" Capricorn smiled, as Cancer helped me up and out of the nest, and gave me a few moments to stretch her muscles and wings. Then I jumped into the air with a smile as I hovered over the ground and waited for Cancer to join me. We flew up into the air and to a clearing, when I started to become extremely tired.

"We'll take a break, you can stay here, I'll get you a deer to eat-" Cancer concluded starting to turn to the forest when I quickly responded with,

"I'm fine, I'll hunt with you." Earning me a glare from Cancer,

"You're going to stay here." The healer in training answered with a firm tone.
"Tch, fine you feather-brain," I growled. I had to admit, I was sort of tired. I laid down, and put my chin on my outstretched paws, watching as my friend trotted off.

'What's wrong with me? I bet it was cause I was stuck in that stupid nest.' I thought with a growl. Leaves shook and Cancer emerged from the forest with a deer in her jaws,

"You eat first, you'll need it if you want to keep the pups alive." Cancer exclaimed plainly. My eyes widened as Cancer said that,

"What? I'm expecting pups?!" I gasped in shock. Cancer nodded,

"Sagittarius is the father, but you probably knew that, if we're still going to make things right and find out what's happening you have to be careful, and if the pups come then we have to go back to Stardown."

I nodded smiling at myself, I was going to have pups!

"I have to tell Sagittarius the good news!" I smiled.

"After you eat." Cancer reminded her friend lightly. I nodded agreeing with my friend and ate a large portion of the deer, leaving the rest for Cancer to eat. When Cancer had finished her part of the deer they jumped up into the air and gilded back towards Stardown.

"There you are Cap!" I heard Sagitarius call out to me. I smiled, then I heard screaming coming from the dens.

"Nightlight! Take cover!" I landed on the ground to see that Cancer was still in the sky, her eyes looked...weird but weirder than normal.

"Cancer! Hurry!" I called to her. I looked around worriedly, then jumped back up into the air and brought Cancer to the ground with a thud, wrapping my wings around her and turning invisible. The whole of Stardown was dead silent, till' Aquarius broke the silence with saying,

"It's gone."

I sighed, getting up and using my wings to hide my stomach from everyone so I could reveal the surprise to Stag.

"Is everyone alright?" I heard the voice of Hydra, the one who was filling in for me, for now... He was a very dark shade of grey but his eyes were a playful shade of amber. We had become friends over the years but now I could see he just wanted my job, but he wasn't ready to handle the responsibilities yet, so I had to become top guard again. Stag ran up to me and brought me into a hug with his huge wings. I smiled leaning against him,

"I have a surprise for you," I smiled, stepping back and sat down, my wings still covering my stomach.

"What is it?" Stag asked in confusion. I looked down at my belly and moved my wings out of the way to show him.

"You're going to be a father..."

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