Chapter 8

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'Capricorn...' I jumped up as I heard a voice echo throughout my head. I took a deep breath, grabbed a bag and let it rest around my neck as I put in the map of Xenith my brother had given to me the other day. I walked out of my den, most of the other Darklight's were asleep, I ran to Cancer's den, nudging her wing to get her to wake up.

"Whaa-" Cancer started and I quickly used my tail to cover her mouth, so she got a mouthful of fur.

"We're leaving now, hurry up before Stag or Gemini goes to check in my den. We have a bit of time." I informed Cancer. The Darklight nodded, her dark eyes looking at the herbs that were laid out on a small ledge near her bed. She stayed quiet and

grabbed a few herbs and put them in a bag wrapped around her neck.

"Are....are you sure you want to do this?" Cancer asked me before we headed out of her den.

"You know better than me that there is a danger dangling above our heads, who else is going to save our species from being wiped out?" I responded with a blank expression on my face, looking out of the den, then jumping up in the air to glide to the exit of StarDown. I could hear Cancer sigh, but followed me anyway,

"Promise me you'll be safe...for the pups sake, Stag would be heartbroken if he lost you and your pups."

"I know, c'mon." I responded, walking away from StarDown, Cancer walked beside me, I glanced back a worried expression slowly spread across my face, I then looked forward again with a look of determination.


The sun had already risen high above the horizon, I had ignored every protest of Cancer trying to get me to eat and rest, I knew she was just looking out for me, but we had to save our species from dying. As the shore came into view I looked back up to the mountains where the Wisp's and Nightlight's lived.

"We should rest at the shore, and get something to eat." Cancer stated, nodding to the calm waves of the Ocean shore. I nodded agreeing with the healer, we needed to rest, then we could continue on our mission. My ears pricked up as I heard a rustling in the bushes near the small clearing I was in. Cancer had already gone hunting, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
I could hear the rustling of leaves getting louder and louder, till suddenly, Cancer walked out of the bushes dragging a deer behind her. I nodded to my friend, letting out a small sigh of relief, glad that it was just Cancer. I then heard the rustling again, this time I saw that Cancer heard it as well.

"Cap, hide." Cancer whispered, turning invisible. However, I didn't want to back down from a fight, I wasn't even sure if I could become invisible, I was weaker by the day, but I wouldn't let that stop me from at least seeing what this creature was. I could hear the noise getting louder and louder, till the creature jumped out from the brush, pouncing, and heading straight for me. I jumped out of the way, reaching my claws to swipe at the being, seeing as it was a Wisp.

(Sorry I haven't been posting a lot of this, I've just been really busy and haven't had any good ideas, but now from the help of Dex I'll be posting more)

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