Chapter 13

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Creatures roared all around me as the whole of Flora's Domain went up in flames, everyone was screaming and yelling, and trying to get out.

"Flora's magic has finally lost control!" I heard one creature yell.

"We're all doomed!" I heard another yell. I sighed and rolled my eyes, I was sitting calm in the center of all of this, seemingly on fire, but it didn't hurt. As fast as the fire had started, it vanished,

"Flora's magic is fine, just a little glitch." I spoke calmly, finally getting up walking to the house in the trees, the house where Flora lived.

"Flora, tell me your magic only just glitched and nothing weird happened." I said as I opened the door, shutting it behind me, with my tail.

"Well..." Flora started, she was a colorful creature, flowers dotting in her fur here and there.

"Flora!" I stated.

"Ok fine! Yes it was a glitch in my magic but-" Flora said nervously.

"But what?! Flora, you need to tell me!" I hissed at the leader, once so fierce and demanding, now so frail and soft.

"I know! I know... Half of it was due to the glitching of my magic, then the other half was...well, that's the thing I don't know, I heard the name Lumo-"

"The goddess of moonlight and life- ?" I commented.

"Yes, then after my magic showed an illusion of a fire to everyone else, but to me I saw the ground crack open, white light pouring from the center of our planet. Then everything just goes black, and I see nothing else."

"Did you hear any other names? Other than Lumo?" I asked.

"Uh- yes actually, I heard Codex and your name, Crimson." Flora said awkwardly. I sighed, shaking my head,

"Flora, just- we need the old you to prepare ourselves for whatever is to come, we've already lost three to this wild curse."

"The forest's leaves are also turning orange, counting down to the day we need to prepare for." Flora nodded. I dipped my head in respect to Flora before leaving her with her thoughts once more.

"Crimson! Some creature is at the entrance looking for you." My friend Finn told me.

"Yeah thanks." I nodded, starting to run to the entrance, wondering who would want to see me. Then that was when I saw her, the wild Fading Dreams, the one who was born outside of our small forest area. The one whom I had helped a full moon ago.

"Fading, now why would you want to speak with me?" I asked, sitting down calmly, looking at her with a questioning glance.

"I came here wanting to tell you to watch your back. I don't know if you're safe here anymore, you have enemies. They want revenge. Your two curses will interfere with The Codex, Crimson. I will see you soon on the sea." Fading explained to me, not waiting for a response Fading ran off, leaving me shocked.

"How did she find out about my curses? And the codex...?" I muttered to myself, turning to walk back to the heart of the small bundle of trees, glancing back to where Fading had disappeared, "Until we meet again...Fading Darkness..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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