Chapter 11

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Codex padded around the library, Flicker was talking to Sleet so she had just enough time to check out this one book. It mentioned a god named Lumo who was the goddess of moonlight and life. Something about that name was familiar to Codex, she recalled that she remembered the name once before, when Crim- No, Codex shook her head, she didn't want to remember those painful memories of her two best friends, but felt as if she had to remember them. Crimson had led Codex and Citrine to a temple he had found, but that only ended terribly for the three friends. Codex stopped her train of thought before the memories got any worse, she picked up the book and read through it, the book talked about how Lumo gave the Wisps the power of flight after they had settled on the mountain top. Codex then started reading a paragraph in the book In which she despised, it said that the Goddess had watched as a war crossed the island hiding away in fear of anyone bringing harm upon her. Codex scowled at that part, from what she remembered of the Goddess she was anything but selfish, she was one of the best and kindest gods ever to live.

"They're getting it all wrong, I hope Flicker won't mind if I make some edits to this book..." Codex said to herself. She stashed the book away, keeping it tucked under her wing in a bag she had hidden under her wing.

"Codex! There you are, Sleet agreed to the training to become the next queen, the citizens will be informed immediately, you just need to sign this to show that you agree as well." Flicker stated, pulling out a rolled up piece of paper and a pen for Codex to sign that she and Sleet had agreed to this so that the heir to the throne would be taught right so that she could help her people.

"Well alright." Codex sighed, taking the pen that Flicker had handed her, signing her name with shear speed, but looking beautiful like she had taken years to write her name like that, "now that that's out of the way I'll be going over a few more books on a curtain subject, I'll be in my chambers." Codex explained before Flicker could protest, the green winged wolf grabbed as many books about the goddess Lumo that she could carry and flew out of the library, hiding away in her room.

"I need to know all I can about Lumo..." Codex spoke to herself, just quiet enough for her to hear herself properly.

"She has something to do with all of this, I know it. She has to have been the one to create the prophecy in the first place, right?" She whispered still, a sense of urgency to her voice. Codex flipped through the pages, trying to find something, anything. She then found a page with the goddess on it, "There you are..." she muttered to herself, reading the page as it said, 'The last known words of the goddess were; I have failed you all, I cannot believe what I have done, I am truly and utterly sorry, my dearest friend Dex shall find me in my slumber, only she can and will wake me from my sleep. She will wake me when the stars align...' Codex stared at the page in shock, Dex- was that- was that talking about her...?

A pang of pain flickered through her forehead; Herself, younger and smiling, standing next to a taller figure. The pain flashed again, taking her back to the first time she'd entered that temple on that day. No, no, no. Not again. I can't do this. Codex clutched her head, covering it and closing her eyes. She couldn't bare this again. She couldn't bare to remember the quiet shock on Crimson's face. She winced as she re-lived Citrine's gasp of horror. That was where the memory usually stopped. It was always the worst part. It broke Codex's heart to even think about the smile being wiped off Citrine's face.

An eerie whisper rang through her ears. What was this? The memory never went this far back. Codex uncovered her eyes, getting up. Still living the memory, she walked forward. Codex, it whispered. The vines along the wall of the temple started to cover the carvings even more. Codex stopped, looking down. The book. The Codex. The book that ruined me. She picked it up, and opened it. A figure she hadn't seen since that day appeared once again, as ghostly and regal as ever.

"Codex, Protector of Truth, Keeper of the Past," The figure spoke. "I, Fealiz Qarali, have been waiting for your arrival once again. Well, since our last encounter, anyway." Fealiz floated down onto the ground right in front of Codex, who was still holding The Codex.

Codex shut the book sharply, and growled, "What. Do you want."

Fealiz furrowed her brow, "I'm here in your memory, to deliver a message." She paused, breathed in, and started again.

"Codex, ever since Xenith was created, Lumo had only the best intentions to keep it going. It was all she had left. In her lowest moments, she called out in fear, in sadness, and in pain. Thus summoning I and the other four gods of this realm. Yes, I realize you've been told all of this through the legends of the book in which you guard, but it is necessary for me to deliver the message," The goddess finished.

Codex was so done with all of this, she knew she was all big and important and the Keeper of 'all that is sacred to Goddess Lumo'. But she didn't want to go on like this, with her best friends left in the past. It hurt. Codex shook her head, done with being angry with Fealiz, "Alright, Prick, what is it."

Fealiz scoffed quietly at the nickname, but proceeded with the message.

"Lumo told me to inform you on the day I thought you'd be ready to know. Codex, you are the key to the prophecy. The one to bring on the final hour. The one to raise the Blue Moon. Say your goodbyes, friend."

"The end of Xenith is inevitable."

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