Chapter 12

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I walked through the almost empty halls, I told my mother, the queen, what that creature I had met in the forest told me, but she didn't believe me. Now I'm not allowed to even step a paw outside, and in my mother's exact words 'If you go outside of this castle for even a second you will no longer be the heir to the throne and I'll have one less daughter.' I shivered at the thought, would my mother actually kill me? Making Starbright the heir to the throne? I shook those thoughts out of my head, pacing back and forth through the hall, glancing out of the window everytime I passed it. I heard a far roar far off, most likely not even on our territory, I put my paws on the window ledge. I saw a bright glowing on the edge of the forest, a small patch of trees glowing, the edges of the patch seemed to burn, soon going up in flames, I closed my eyes and shook my head looking back at the small patch of forest, it was fine, other than the occasional out of place bundle of orange leaves, which would be weird because the leaves just had gotten their green color back from the cold winter season. I wondered what was happening over at the small patch of trees.

"What ya looking at?" A small squeaky voice asked me. I quickly glanced down at my paws, then smiled seeing my little sister, Starbright. I didn't like that our mother had named it after some kind of weird song, then having two daughters named Starlight, me, and Starbright, my sister. But it was her decision, not like our father was around to help name us.

"Just taking in the nice scenery." I lied, smiling kindly at the little Nightlight princess.

"Really!? I WANNA SEE!!!" Bright gasped, looking as though she was vibrating with excitement, wanting to see whatever her older sister was looking at. I laughed a bit, but nodded, putting one of my wings down to let my sister crawl onto my back to get a better view out the window.

"Can we go outsideeeeee?" Bright asked me, nipping playfully at my ear. I laughed again,

"No, mother won't like it if we go outside." Saying that made Starbright jump off my wing looking sad, "But- why don't you go play hide-and-seek with the palace guards? You know you're the best at playing that." I smiled mischievously, Bright was a good hider for the game, once all of the palace guards were looking for Starbright, knowing she couldn't fly and didn't look anywhere high. I helped my little sister up into a ledge in one of the halls, a ledge that led to a tunnel which led to a room. I had made it so I could be alone, and now that my mother knows about it, we aren't allowed to go there anymore. I frowned at the thought. Bright nodded with excitement, her sadness quickly forgotten, as she ran down the halls jumping in the air and using her wings to glide, getting around faster. After she turned a corner I whipped my head around to the window I was still sitting at, I then looked around whispering to myself,

"What mother doesn't know won't hurt her...right?" With that said I climbed onto the windows edge, jumping and opening my wings before I hit the tall pine trees that lay outside the window.

(Chapters will take longer to be published, were looking at two chapters a month rn, since school is going to throw some final exams in my face really soon so I won't have as much motivation or time to write as really soon in my spare time all I'm going to do is study, so for those who actually read my books heres a bit of a warning for you) 

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