halloween time 5 years later

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it feels like a rite of passage to update this stupid diary around halloween time again. i can't believe that 5 years ago today i posted about being at my friend's halloween party. we aren't friends anymore. not that we had a falling out or an argument or anything, we just simply grew apart. i've grown apart from a lot of my old friends; i think that if i were to see them in public i would run the other way. i don't know if i could face them with how much i've changed.

i started this diary when i was in 7th grade and now i'm a senior in high school. i'm graduating at semester which means i'll be completely done with school sometime in january. i am so thankful that it's almost all over, but at the same time i long for being a little kid again. i felt so grown up when i was 12 and first started posting and now that i'm almost 18 i don't feel nearly as grown up as i did then. i was so little but yet so sure of myself and that sureness just dissipated in time. i wish i was 12 again.

the last time i updated i was halfway through high school. it's incredible that no matter what happens time just keeps moving. i'll be 20 soon. and someday i'll be 40. there's nothing that i or any of us can do to get around the fact that time will always move forward.

this is a little bit of a vibe killer so let's get on with my life update!!!! another summer passed and i spent it with my lovely and handsome boyfriend :) the same one from the last update (ya boi with lasting relationships finally ;) ). he graduated high school last year and i am so so so proud of him. he is the love of my life.

we went trick or treating together a couple of days ago and today :) the first time was in my grandparents' neighbourhood and the second was in the downtown where he lives. i can't believe that i've been trick or treating in my grandparents' neighbourhood for like the past 12 years and there were kids there that were younger than 12. like most of the kids there weren't even born yet when i started. it makes me feel old. we also carved pumpkins together!!!! the header to this update is our pumpkins :) mine is the cat (obviously) and his is the one that looks better.

my life is very calm now which is nice. it was really chaotic at this time of year 2 years ago, and while that was really exciting and it kept me on my toes a lot, it also made me feel bad all the time and now i do not feel bad all the time (good thing)!!! i spend a lot of time at my boyfriend's house, whenever i can really. it's so nice to have someone that i can always count on to be there for me.

i hope that if anyone reads this, that they have a good halloween :) i hope that you do something fun and that makes you happy. stay spooky!!!!!!!!!!

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