I wonder how long you can make a title (80 characters, I wanted more)

19 0 0

I've started writing a really....cliche but depressing story I guess. I don't know if I'm going to post it here, but it's in a notebook. I also found the notebook where I wrote down the entire Milk Fic. I'm really glad no one read through it......I don't want to accidentally traumatize someone lmao

Also I have The Resurrectionist or an Existential Crisis in C# stuck in my head. I just feel this sense of nostalgia from it.

And now I'm apparently not connected to the internet. Great. How am I supposed to have an insomnia filled night with memes, tumblr and wattpad without internet. (Note from future self: it wasn't connected and it didn't let me post this chapter)

What am I doing here I'm sorta just going over what seems important maybe? I was gonna say something else but I forgot it. Now have a good morning because it's currently 12:23am, maybe like 12:23-12:25.

There are a lot of nice memes that involve band members faces photoshopped onto cows...

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