Okay fuckers the insomnia is hitting so Imma update

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Y'all a while ago we had to do presentations for why a children's book should be turned into a movie and that presentation was a massive mistake. My book had a garbage plot because ya boi ain't used to writing shit for children and that shit would make a b a d movie, nevertheless it was still required. My entire presentation was just me making a fool of myself and trying to entertain everyone and hey it fuckin worked.

I mean I ate an entire pack of jellybeans in chorus, actually wait the black licorice ones are bAD and you can fight me if you think otherwise.

I've had this book for a fucking year now what kind of monstrosity is this dear lord.

Anyway this year is definitely better than the last so far and so now I got one last thing to tell y'all tonight--

Happy almost Halloween you little fucking rats, enjoy whatever tomorrow brings you.

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