yikes i feel old

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so its been a while right? im miraculously not dead and im halfway through high school. i have a boyfriend now and he's pretty cool :) i should be seeing him again tomorrow and this summer ive pretty much lived at his house. i keep a journal of all the things we do together and maybe i'll transfer them to here so that you all can read them :) with the consistency of me updating this though then probably not.

i was in the mental hospital a month ago and other than it being expensive it was pretty cool and i met a lot of new people that i get to call my friends!! im medicated now so thats pretty cool too i think even though my meds have not started working and its been more than a month and i feel sick all the time. theyll work eventually though. i hope.

i passed the last school year with surprisingly good grades and i didnt fail anything, if there was any class i was about to fail it wouldve been my ART class that i didnt do fucking anything in. my ap lang teacher is now my best friend and mom 2.

i shaved my head a while ago too and it was so much fun and that was like a lifelong dream of something i wanted to do!!! too bad my hair growth pattern is shit and i look like im balding at 16!!!!!

i still feel shitty sometimes but overall my life has gotten a lot better than it was when i started writing in this stupid thing. no one even reads it anymore and thats good with me too :) its a fun way to keep track of things and if anyone wants to be here thats pretty cool!! my life is so much better than it was back in 7th grade i honestly didnt think i would ever make it this far.

stay cool guys life gets better

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