day 8

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< 29th june >

dear diary,

if we as humans are so different from the other "animals" why is it that every person is wild at their true nature? why is it that we fall like a soul wrenching beat drop at every other moment? why do we cry, without making a single noise, like a cow that hasn't eaten from days and is covered by flies, alive yet not quite? why do we stay loyal to people who left us too long ago, like a dog left by his owner on the road when he gets too old to care for? why do we, like cats, bite or scratch people we care for?

we are all bound together by only 2 factors: money and feelings. the sole purpose of society and its rules can be justified with the money system. those who created these rules, these systems, want us to believe that we're better than other animals and that we're the "different" ones. that is all very much a facade to me. what's so wrong in admitting that homosapiens are animals, ordinary mammals that live and feel exactly the same way as other species of animals? we just have a stronger regulation on our society and a understanding of it. we are all animals at heart and that won't change no matter how far off we advance.

lonesomely, like the animal i am
your friend

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