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He tends to be in the field very often. The past week he’s been here and he always leaves with daisies in hand. After a week of this I still never went up to him. Never talked to him. Just glanced from afar.

Every day when I would walk home, it started to become the highlight of my days. Even on the few gloomy skied days, they still had some light, subtle light. All thanks to him and this field. The pieces fit together and create a beautiful view, a wondrous feeling, like a beautiful galaxy full of light, a nebula if you will. The weekend was what I was dreading slightly. I doubt I would see him and I was right. 

That next Monday though, I was shocked to see there were more female cliques talking and whispering than usual. My curiosity was soon lifted when Cas came up to me talking about a new guy.

“I heard he has such a body and he looks like the douchey-tired-nice type. Apparently, he’s a hunk, a hunk I wouldn’t mind hitting on me.”

“And last time I checked, Dev would never approve.” I looked at her with suspicious eyes. 

“Ha, yea I know, but I mean hey, it doesn't hurt to look a little lol.” 

I would always love how she is so blunt, and how she always says “lol” or “lmao” out loud.  

“Now how would Dev feel about that?” I say jokingly because we both know the answer to that.

“Dev wouldn’t like what? Cas being Cas again? If it's about the new guy, don’t worry, we were talking about it before she came to you.” He gives Cas a look only they have between themselves and they both giggle. 

That connection they both have where they know it's all jokes. A connection, that’s all I want. 

“Y’know he might just be your type, Lexie.” She mentions as she's looking at a picture of the guy from Dev's phone. Of course Cas would say something like that though, at this point I was just waiting for it. 

“I really doubt it, plus, I’d rather focus on school.” is all I could say, I genuinely don’t think he would be, I mean I don’t have much of a personality. I think I’m pretty boring and apathetic. Some people think I'm nice and all but that’s it. 

“But girl, what about the love life? You need more than just school.” She shows me a picture of the guy, and I instantly recognized him as the mystery field guy. I tried not to react though. 

But honestly, Cas isn’t wrong. I do wish I had more to my life but I’m happy the way it is now. It wouldn’t hurt, yet the only reason I am so opposed is solely due to the reason that I never get past the talking stage anyways. I never see the connection between that person like I do with my field and of course, 'him'. 

“I mean I guess he is sort of nice looking.” And there was something about him that was just intriguing like there was more to him than what meets the eye. 

I started to realize he was actually in a lot of my classes. We even had the same lunch. He sat alone but it didn't take long  for a group to form around him. There go any ideas of me going up to him. 

I made a few attempts throughout the day, but I kept chickening out. 

“This is just hard to watch.” Cas giggled

“You can’t blame me here, it’s hard to talk to people sometimes, especially if they look like they just came out of a Greek god movie.” 

“Girl you literally know everyone and everyone knows you, you’re nice and beautiful and everyone likes you for you. Just go up to him and talk to him. Start with small talk PLEASE! I don’t know how much more of this sadness I can take.” 

After those wonderful words of encouragement from the amazing Cassie, I decided to finally muster up the courage to go talk to him. 

As I'm walking up to him I can feel my whole body feel like it might just collapse, I can hear my own heart, I can see my own breath, the colors of my mind are all over the canvas.

“Hello? Can I help you?” 

I hadn't realized that I had already walked all the way over to him. God what is wrong with me? 

“Hi yes sorry, I realized we had a lot of classes together, I thought since I would be seeing you often we could potentially be friends if you want, of course you don't have to, i mean, god i wouldn-"

“I would like that.” he gave me a warm smile after cutting me off from my ramble. 

Of course I returned with an awkward smile back and invited him to sit with me, Cas, and Devin and he areed. As for the mob of people that had been surrounding him, I may have forgotten about them. One of the girls scoffed but before I could say anything she looked over and gave a scared expression and left. Weird. 

I debated whether or not to ask him about the field but I had figured it was too soon. 

He seemed to fit in just fine with Cas and Dev, and for some reason that made something in me melt. My heart felt like comets were shooting at my heart and my stomach. It was a tingling feeling that I probably shouldn't pay any mind to. 

“Y'know, we never did get your name.” I politely said. 

“Oh, I’m Ronan, how about y’all?”

We all introduced ourselves of course. But then he turned towards me. 



“You’re the one that goes to the field right?”

He knows! He recognized me, I really don’t know why I found that so shocking. We have looked each other dead in the eyes. I guess I just didn’t assume he would ask me so soon. 

“Oh um, yeah, that would be me.” I awkwardly giggled. 

He gave me a subtle smile and we both started to go on about the field while Dev and Cas talked about their own topics. Soon enough lunch was over and we headed to our classes. 

Ronan had a different class then the rest of us so we said goodbye, but before he parted ways he looked at me, his lips parted as if trying to say something but nothing came out. Instead he gives me a warm smile. 

“I'll see you later Lexie.”

Something about him saying my name gave me those same comets from earlier. I have no idea what this feeling is but part of me doesn’t seem to mind it. 

“I can see the chemistry!!!” 

I just roll my eyes at Cas and continue walking to class.”

Just A Pretty Little FieldWhere stories live. Discover now