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"Bubble. Hey bubble, get up."

Why does that sound so familiar? I start to open my eyes to see a familiar face. Green eyes and dark brown hair.

"What?" I asked.

"C'mon, we're going to be late."

He grabs my arm and we run off into a field. A field full of daisies and the greenest grass I have ever seen. A wonderous sky above us full of stars. The moon as bright as a diamond.

"It's about to start. Look! I even brought the telescope." He says with such enthusiasm. So warm it makes me feel fuzzy inside. A smile starts to creep.

"Look! Its starting!"

I look up to see strokes of paint above me. Stars appear to be falling. Twinkling off in the distance with no real destination in mind.

I feel his hand grab onto mine as he pulls me toward the telescope. Without any hesitation I look into the telescope and whole new world appears before my eye. I can see everything. The stars. The meteors. The moon.

"Pretty, isn't it?"

"It really is." I respond as I continue looking through the telescope.

I finally look away and I feel a warm body around mine. He was hugging me. A warm embrace. I recognized this feeling but from where?

"I miss you so much Bubble. But you aren't here anymore. Nothing is."


I looked up and he wasn't there anymore. A cold breeze consumed me. As I looked around everything started to crumble. The sky was turning a soulless black. All the grass and daisies were overflowing with water.

I want to scream. Yell. Call out for help. But nothing came out. All I could taste was water. I couldn't breathe anymore. Everything around me was dark, nothing in sight.

I opened my eyes gasping for air. A cold sweat. In my bed and my dad calling me asking if I was awake.

"Yeah, I'm awake, be down there soon."

There are days when I genuinely don't wish to go to school, even with the amount of time I dedicate to it. After all that, this is one of those days.

Getting ready, blurry vision and more of spacing out then really getting ready. Hearing my dad say something, though it wasn't until I stepped out of the house that I realized that I really didn't hear a thing he said.

Walking past my field though, no matter what groggy state I am ever in, this field will always be clear.


"Yes, you two can go run around, enjoy the field, it's home, it will never fade. Be together at all times though."


Who would say that to me? It couldn't have been my dad...could it?

A ding from my phone and questions gone. Cas's message asking when I'll get there. I wonder wh- ok, well, for how much I appreciate school, my tardies are starting to prove otherwise.

.     .     .

"Made it just in time, but why do you look like you ran a marathon?" Dev questions me as I sit down.

"Probably because I just did." big breathes leave me as I try to respond.

As the day continued, I couldn't help but realize that Ace rarely comes up to me. Then again, he doesn't really talk all that much to begin with. Malik has also been quite distant recently too, a bit odd if I say so especially after what happened that day. Oh well.

As I walk to lunch, a piece of paper posted up in the hall caught my attention. A medium sized flyer with the words 'Come see space in our new Planetarium'. I could feel my heart stop.

"No way." I say assuming no one can hear me.

"Planetarium huh?"

I jump about to attack whoever it was behind me, but I freeze as if someone had hit the pause button on a remote.

"Oh, hi Ronan. You scared me" I say relieved.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to."

"No, it's ok, but yeah, apparently there's this new planetarium opening next week."

"Are you going?"

Blink one. Blink two. Then a third.

"Really?" I say as I glare at him.


"Ronan of course I'm going! What kind of person would I be if I didn't go?! I'll tell you what kind of person I'd be, a TERRIBLE one!"

"Aright, Alright!" He giggles. "I knew you would, though your reaction was so worth me asking." his eyes like knifes now and smirk curling at the side of his mouth. Those eyes. So familiar. They look almost like Ace's eyes. Attractive yet scary in some way.

What am I thinking?! I slightly shake my head.

"Anyways, you ready for lunch?" He asks.

I simply nod my head, embarrassed I could even think such a thing.

"Y'know, I would love to go with. If you don't mind. Maybe we could all go, you, Cas, Dev, and me?"

"I would like that." I say as I smile a subtle smile.

. . .

"HE SAID WHAT!?!? Well now we can't go."

"What do you mean you can't go, he was the one who suggested you guys go."

Confusing is an understatement for her. Cas always seems to make me wonder what goes on in her head.

"Oh because you don't see it?"

"See what?" Still not following.

"He was just saying all that to be nice. He would probably only like it if it was just you and him. Lexie, if u don't get that he likes you, then ur absolutely more oblivious than I thought you were."

"He couldn't possibly like me."

"Oh my god, your killing me. I'm dying. Your dumb words shot me through my head." She says playing dead, holding her heart and head, each with one hand.

"So dramatic." I glare.

"Lexie, your so stuck on school, I don't remember the last time you had fun other than with Dev and I. Since Ronan has come by, you actually smiled a bit more than normal. Just do it, for me. You got nothing to lose.

Anyways, I got to go, it was nice chilling here but if I don't get home soon, well you know how my mom is."

We hug our goodbye and heads out the door.

Maybe she's kinda right. I've grown fond of him. Around him everything seems calmer. It's weird. She's right about one thing for sure though, there really is no harm in asking.

Just A Pretty Little FieldWhere stories live. Discover now