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Rushing to school wasn't my first thought up until I started thinking, overthinking...overthinking my overthinking. Hell, even my car was surprised, also surprising me with its sounds.

Maybe my rushed brain interpreted into my driving,got here a bit faster than I wanted to. At least parking was easy. Brains and their comprehension of time is honestly the most confusing thing in the world. Just like planets and their own time sets. Time could move so quickly in real time, but my brain is just slowing down time. I don't even understand my rush. My kick of adrenaline. Do I really feel something for him? Is there any way for me to tell. There's nothing for me to really say I like. I've never hung out with just him. That's a lie. After all, the day in field was not a dream.

My glances towards the entrance weren't glances now that I'm realizing, more like five second stares. Waiting for him was a lot more brain work than I had anticipated. Why do I like him though? Maybe it was the fact that he was the only boy I had ever seen at that field, my field. Maybe it was they way he reminds of someone I can't even remeber. Maybe it's because I feel like in some way he knows who I am, even though I haven't known him long. Could it be his eyes? Or maybe even the fact that he doesn't mind genuinley doing work and sitting down in a coffee shop with me without saying i'm preppy.

Is having a small crush on someone this confusing? Would it even be considered a crush? I know Cas would consider it. Why is my head filled with questions? That was a question. Ugh!

Giving yet another five second stare I see him. I can see him walking to the doors. Immediately my body has a mind of its own. Soon enough my backpack is on my back and I am rushing behind him and I am about to call his name.


He turns to look and so do I. We both see her.

"Hey Ronan, I have something I would like to ask you. could I talk to you."

I can see her glare as she walks in front of me right up to him.


She grabs him by the arm and leads him away to lord knows where.

Of course she beat me to it. Should that be my sign? Should I just not ask him. I mean knowing her I know exactly what she's going to ask and I have never met a guy that has rejected her. Though she can be mean she is gorgeous.

Of course Emily liked him. He probably likes her back.

The floor is the only thing in view until I see a pair of shoes. I look up and see a familiar tall figure.

"What were they doing together?"

He's looking in the direction of where they walked. He looks pissed though.

"Oh, hi Ace, and I don't know. She wanted to talk to him alone about something."

He stares a bit longer and finally looks at me with an expression on his face that doesn't seem natural, but it isn't foreign either.

"You wanted to ask him something too right?"

How does he know? Was he watching the whole disaster? Oh no, if he saw that, that would simply be embarrassing.

I lean my head back towards his feet.

"Um, sorta."

"Ok. Well come on, I'll walk with you to your class."

As we're walking he stops for a second.

"Don't worry too much about it, we don't like her, she's too bitchy for our taste."

Our? I didn't even know they knew each other. I never seen them talk. Or have I? There was that time at the lake. I just assumed I was hallucinating though. What did he mean by their taste? Before I could say anything though we had already made it to my class.

"Look at me."

I didn't even realize I was still looking at the floor. Looking up to him took me quite some time. After what felt like longer than it should have I met his gaze, his cold scary gaze. Eyes with a sort of subtlty that most people don't recognize.

"Ask him later today ok. Don't be afraid to ask cus' no matter what it is, I promise he'll say yes. Got it?"

It didn't really seem like a question I should answer, but was still comfrting. He knows exactly what I was going to ask. Somehow he knew. Maybe I'm just that transparent or maybe he just knows me better than I know myself. How? I have no idea, but it feels oddly similar. Just like Ronan.

"Got it."

He gives me a smirk and walks away, hands in his hoodie pocket and headphones blasting.

He's strange but sweet.

.   .   .

As i'm walking up to Ronan, I can see Ace right next to him. As I get closer Ace sees me, and I see Emily.

I have never wanted the Earth to open up and swallow me whole more than right now.

I'm too scared to take another step but I don't even know why. Why does it matter? Why should I care if Emily is there or not. As for Ace, he's the one who told me to go for it.

I can feel my chest get hot. My heart is beating a thousand miles a minute. I can feel my gaze narrowing.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and slightly on my back.

"Don't worry about her, we'll deal with her."

I look back to see Lyle. His white hair and soft demeanor can never be mistaken.

He gives me a smile and a little push. As a stumble a bit I bump into someone.

"I'm sorry." I say looking up.

"You're okay." Ronan smiles.

"Oh, hi Ronan."

"Hi to you too. Are you ok?"

I nod my head. I take a step back to regain my balance without his help.

"So Ace tells me you have to ask me something?"

"Oh yeah, I do."

I look past him to see if Emily is there but she isn't. I remeber that Lyle said they would deal with her but I don't really know what he meant by that.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the Planetarium with me. Just the two... of us."

The pressure of his silence is too much for me right now. I need him to answer me, but I don't want him to say anything at the same time. I didn't realize I was looking down until I felt his hand on my head. I look up and see him covering his mouth and looking to the side.

"Are you laughing?"

"I'm so sorry Lexie, I just can't help it. Was that all you were going to ask?"

"Well, yeah."

"You made it seem like it was something scary, but of course i'll go with you."

"Well how was I supposed to know you were ok with that?"

I can feel my cheeks heating up like the sun.

"I guess you have a slight point. Yes Lexie, I would love to go with you."

His eyes are glimmering and his smile brighter than ever, that or its the refelction of mine.

Just A Pretty Little FieldWhere stories live. Discover now