The Ball

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This part will be DRAMA.FILLED.

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Lets start the story!!



Chapter 15-

Aya's POV

I opened my laptop and saw a new e-mail from my teacher, she sent it to all her students. In the short version, there was a Halloween party at a fancy hotel lobby two hours away from here. It was one of those fancy balls where you dress up and wear a mask. She invited all of us to go! I was so excited! Ever since I was a kid I've always wanted to go to one. I ran to tell Ian, and of course invited him to be my date.


I got out the shower and slipped in my bathrobe and looked in the mirror. I did a smokey eye with a little bit of dark blue wings to match my dress. I added a generous amount of black mascara. I smiled and went to my room to but on my dress and mask. I slipped in on and looked in my mirror. It was floor, length dark blue. It was one of those one leg with the cut was on my thigh. At the bottom of the dress it faded to black. I put my mask on. It was one that only covered your eyes and my makeup showed through. It was dark blue, matching my dress but with black sparkles and black feathers at the front. I left my hair down so the curls would show. I was so excited to see Ian! I walked downstairs and Ian just eyed me.

"My gosh you look great."

I was about to say thanks but I was blown away by Ian. He was wearing a suit but his mask covered his whole face. It was black gold designs. Good thing the mask stopped at his mouth because I kissed him. He smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. We got in the car and got ready to drive two hours to a great night.


Ian parked and I held his hand as we walked inside the hotel. I gasped, it was beautiful. The floor was marble and there where crystal chandeliers bouncing off light. There was a buffet table with food and drinks of all sorts. I took Ian's hands, they where soft and fit my hand perfectly. There was a live orchestra and they played perfectly. I looked at all the people in their masks. It was all beautiful. I looked at Ian and smiled, he grinned back. We slow danced for a while, but he didn't dip me down, not yet. After a while we got some food and I had a glass of wine. I saw people from my class, we waved and made small talk. I introduced Ian to all of them. I was having a great time. After a while I lost Ian. I guess he went to the bathroom. I was walking through the sea of people when I saw a suit and a black and gold mask. I smiled and walked up to him.

"Shall we dance?"

He nodded and took my hand. He pulled me in close and we swayed. His hands felt a bit different, like harder. I shrugged it off and continued to dance. It was time for the dip. He dipped me down and pulled me back up. He twirled me and then pulled me in. We kissed. Then I saw another man in a black mask with gold. I turned around and saw him walk briskly out. Who was that? But then I heard from the man I just danced with,

"I love you Aya."

I stopped cold. That wasn't Ian's voice. I whipped around and ripped off the mask. It was Jackson. Anger filled my body and tears threatened to spill over.


I slapped Jackson in the face. Then I ran outside to the man that had to be Ian. He was gone. The car was gone. I was alone, two hours away from home. I sat on the curb and cried. People left. I had to go home, I guess I would call Cassidy but I didn't want to call. I just wanted to cry. Soon everybody was gone, its been probably about an hour and a half since I ran out. The hotel lights went out and I was really alone. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Jackson. Anger boiled in me. Jackson simply said

"Need a ride home?"

"No." I spat. "I'd rather walk home then ride with you."

I got up and turned around to walk to the nearest bus stop when Jackson grabbed my wrist.

"Don't be irrational Aya." He said.

"Go away!" I yelled. I wriggled my wrist free but he grabbed it again. I gasped, I turned her around and his face changed. His mouth was a straight line and any sparkle of friendship and flirtation was gone. In their place it held hunger and desire. For me. My heart quickened and I was terrified.

"I gave you a chance to come with me and you wouldn't have to get hurt. But you choose the hard way." Jackson said, his voice cold.

"Let me go. Please." I whispered. Instead Jackson pushed me to the wall and slammed his lips into mine. I tried to push him off but he was to strong. His arms against the wall to keep me from leaving. I cried silent tears.

"Please, stop." I cried.

He continued to kiss me. I cried more.

"This," he said as he tugged on my dress "Needs to come off."

I was sobbing now. Any attempts for me to escape was gone. Jackson pulled on the waist of my dress, exposing my chest.

All the sudden I heard a yell.


After quick punches Jackson was on the ground, his nose bleeding. I looked up to see Ian. I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you. Thank you." I said through tears. He hugged me tightly back and kissed me.


We called the police and Jackson got arrested for attempt rape. Ian took me home in our car and he had tears in his eyes.

"Aya I'm so sorry. If I didn't leave this wouldn't have happened."

I took his hand.

"Its not your fault. Jackson was crazy and now he's in jail. Why did you comeback?"

Ian stopped to get fast food before answering.

"Anthony called. He was worried about you and me because we weren't home yet. He said you weren't answering his calls. I was only a couple miles away and I decided that I was being a jerk and came back to get you. And then I saw and heard you crying and the rest is history."

We pulled up into our driveway and I said.

"Ian.. Thank you. I would have been.. Well you know if you didn't show up when you did. You are the best boyfriend ever. I love you."

"I love you too."

We kissed for awhile and then went inside, hand in hand, to tell Anthony.


THANKS FOR READING! Where you surprised? IM SO EVIL >:D





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