Not a Package

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Omg 57th chapter!

This story has gone such a long way and its all thanks to you my readers and I love you all so much! <3

Sorry for spotty uploading, I have tons of homework every night and cheer practice and I never seem to have time to write but I'm still getting into a routine so hopefully it will all work out soon!



Chapter 57-

Aya's POV

"Ian.. Not now." I grumbled and shoved my head into the couch pillow. I was starting to wake up a bit but my head was swimming.

"Aya its nine at night and your passed out drunk on the couch. I need some answers." Ian said sternly. There was no way I was getting out of this.

"I went to lunch with a friend named Jacob. We went to the Bier Garden, a German restaurant and I got some wine. He warned me it was strong but I didn't listen and I had too much." I explained myself.

Ian looked torn between himself. I wonder if he was mad at me, why would he be mad for me accidentally getting drunk with a friend. Nothing else happened, right? Every time I tried to remember my head lurched.

"Alright. Sorry for waking you." Ian said and I sat up.

"Its fine." I said and got up on shaky legs and climbed up the stairs to our room. Once In I saw in the mirror I was still in my skirt so I changed into soft pj shorts and a T-shirt. I climbed into the bed and pulled the covers to my neck and drifted to sleep.


"Aya." Ian's voice and his hands gently shaking me woke me up the next morning.

"What time is it?" I asked in between yawns.


"What? I slept till twelve?" I exclaimed and Ian laughed at my expression.

"Well you have to get up now, we are going to Cassidy's apartment with a the Smosh crew for a little get together for the release of the video."

"Alright." I said and got out of bed.

While Ian was showering I got dressed in a red dress that singed at the waist and then flared out. I put on black heels and quickly did makeup an left hair down. Once I was finished Ian was still getting dressed so I walked downstairs and waited. Just then the doorbell rang.

"Can you get that Aya?" Ian called from upstairs. "Its probably a package."

"Yeah." I called back and opened the door.

It wasn't a package, it was Jacob.

"Uh hey." He said and looked at me awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" I said in a low voice. I pushed him back and stepped outside, closing the door softly behind me.

"I just wanted to make sure you where ok, from last night and all."

"Im fine. Im home aren't I?" I said and rolled my eyes, for some reason he was getting on my nerves.

"Hey don't get an attitude with me you where the one who tried to kiss me yesterday."

"What?!" I nearly choked on my spit. "You're crazy." I said once I finished coughing.

"I'm the crazy one? Look at you! You cant even remember!" Jacob said and made a gesture at me.

"Just go Jacob. I have stuff to do today and I don't have time for your petty lies." I said and turned to open the door.

"Ok call me when you aren't calling me a liar and you can actually remember. Sorry for trying to see if you where ok. Sorry for saving you at that party." He said as he walked off and I instantly felt guilty.

I walked back in the house as Ian was walking down the stairs.

"Who was that?" He asked as he put on his shoes.

I didn't want to lie but we where about to get married so honesty was important right now, I just didn't know if the honest answer was the best.


Once I said it a heavy tension settled in the room.

"What was he doing here?" Ian asked through clenched teeth.

"He just wanted to make sure I was home safe. Ian he is a friend, no more." I said but the words felt like lies coming from my mouth. What if what Jacob said was true and I had tried to kiss him?

"I trust you Aya." Ian said and his words felt like daggers to my guilty heart.

"Lets go we are going to be late." I said and we got up to go to the screening.


"Hey guys welcome!" Cassidy said with a smile as she opened the door to her apartment. She had Ali on her hip, once she saw me she leaned over and tugged on one of my curls. Ali reached for me and I took her in my arms.

"Im the best aunt ever aren't I?" I asked Ali and she just giggled.

I looked around the room and most people where crowded around the table full of food and drinks. Anthony was setting the laptop up to the projector that was hooked to play on a screen. I made my way over to him.

"Hey little sister." He said and gave me a smile, he knew I hated being called that.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." He said.

"Is it cheating on someone if you try to kiss someone while you where drunk?" I asked and once I did Ali squealed in my ear and grabbed one of my bouncing curls.

"What happened now?" Anthony asked.

I told him the entire story from the party to my porch and he listened.

"Interesting." He said when I was finished.

"So what do you think?" I asked.

"Well its not totally cheating but it is being semi-unfaithful. You weren't in the best state mind wise to make decisions but you put yourself in that position. He told you the wine was strong. Does he know?"

"No, I haven't told him yet. I just figured out what happened an hour ago."

"Well you should tell him before someone else does." He said referring to Jacob.

"You're right." I sighed and handed Anthony Ali.

I walked over to Ian and prepared what I would say. Time to face the music.


Thanks for reading!!

Sorry if its short, its late and im very tired so bare with me!

Next upload soon! :)





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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2013 ⏰

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