1. I

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Nanon is sitting on the cold floor of the laundry room at the top floor of the Naparakul Hotel. His back leaned against the working washing machine behind him. He is thinking about the past 3 month of his life since the semester started.

Nanon is a university student. But he isn't rich, he is smart and hardworking. These traits earned him a scholarship which granted him access to the most top tier universities in Thailand. His childhood was pretty much lonely and brutal. He grew up in a very poor family, with an alcoholic father and a pretty much absent mother. He never expirienced love and care. He has to basically live for himself from a very young age. One day his father endulged himself in alcohol then ended up overdosing... he died on the runned down living room couch which he hardly ever left. This made Nanon promise to himself that he will never... ever end up like his parents. He promised once he finished high school he would leave his depressing life and never come back.

He left his hometown Phuket and came to live in Bangkok. He was on his own, but it didn't make any difference in his life. He started working in Naparakul Hotel 4 months ago, just a month before his semester started. Just as he adjusted to his life as a waiter he started his classes and had to maintain both lives. He gets up and leaves for his classes then comes home only to take a shower and leave to work. He comes home around midnight and stays until 4AM endulging himself in books and paper sheets of homework. His grades are excellent and his work performance is even better. But... his health is rapidly deteorating. He doesn't know for how long will he be able to live like this. He is mentally crying for help. He can't do this alone anymore.

He doesn't know when he falls asleep but the next thing he remembers is somebody's hand gripping his shoulder, shaking him to wake up.

???: Nanon? Nanon?

The person was calling his name in a whisper, trying to wake him up but gently.

???: Wake up sleeping beauty, your shift is over.

Nanon opened his eyes, he saw a blurrly image of the person's face. He rubbed his eyes, brushing off the sleep and sharpening his vision. He finally saw the clear handsome face that haunted him for months. Ohm Pawat, only a nuisance in Nanon's life. A nuisance he fell deeply in love with.

Even though Nanon was miserable and lonely most of his life it didn't stop him to explore his sexuality and sexual desires with people. But he never had genuine strong feelings for someone. And definitely not for someone like Ohm Pawat. A sexy, daring, shameless lad that crashed into his life like a meteor.

Two months ago Ohm started flirting with Nanon. He was pretty straightforward and said that he likes him and wants to date him. Why Nanon? He wasn't able to figure out the reason behind Ohm's behaviour. What is so special about him? There is absolutely nothing im him worth loving. They were co-workers so they saw eachother everyday. At first, Nanon was annoyed but soon, he started feeling... loved? He didn't know if this was only temporary. Only until Ohm finds someone else that sparks his interest. But he wanted to hold onto the feeling of being cared for. But to his luck he ended up falling in love with the nuisance that invaded his personal space, broke all the walls he was building and showed him the good side of life.

Nanon: Huh...

Ohm: Did you sleep well?

Nanon: I...

He couldn't really form actual words because he was still sleepy, so he only nodded in yes. He felt bad about falling asleep. The hotel had a lot of rooms to clean today as a lot of guests were leaving, so his absence probably caused some difficulties.

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