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Nanon was sitting at the table in the corner of the ball room. Drinking and engulfing himself in alcohol. It was a fresh December night. Everyone was gathered at the party, waiting for midnight to finally arrive and indicate the beginning of a new year.

"Why are you sitting alone?" a familiar voice asked.

"P'Jan?" he looked up to meet the doe eyes of his friend. Jan is two years older than Nanon.

Jan made her way and sat next to Nanon. Wrapping her arms around the younger's shoulders. They met around a year ago, at one of their fathers' business events. They immediately clicked and became friends not just for work or reputation purposes.

"What's on your mind, Nanon?" she asked warmly and caringly. She couldn't bear to see the frown on her friend's face.

"Nothing much. Just waiting for this to be over soon." he just vaguely replied. Even though a lot of things were on his mind.

"Are you feeling well?" she asked and put her hand on Nanon's forhead, checking his temperature.

He shook his head and smiled, "I'm alright. Just a bit tired."

His phone chimed. He turned it on thinking it was a message for work purposes, but it was a notification that messed up Nanon to the core. It was a memory from his gallery.

Memories from one year ago.

And it showed a picture of him and his ex-boyfriend. Ohm was kissing his cheeks tenderly. He remembered that night clearly. They were out in a club for New Year's party with their friends.

How can things drastically change in one year? He thought. That night, they were a happy couple. But just the next day, they were met with agony, grief and sadness as their parents found out about their relationship. Their parents are business rivals, so when they found out their sons were together they were livid.

They immediately made them cut ties with eachother, Ohm and Nanon had broken up. They haven't been in any contact for a year. But all they could do was just to go on with their lives. Secretly watching eachother from afar. Pining for eachother. Wanting to run away together. But they know it will cause both sides no good.

Since then, Nanon became a vice president in his father's business. He made himself do a lot of work, to get his mind off of things. Whenever his friends, Chimon and Milk, made some comments regarding him and Ohm he would drip it off by changing the subject. They always told him how he was hurting himself by ignoring it and only working. Nanon didn't remeber when was the last time he slept peacefully or went to bed early. He packed himself with work. But Nanon couldn't see just how right Chimon and Milk are.

"Can you... excuse me for a moment." Nanon said hurriedly and got up before Jan could say anything.

He had to freshen up otherwise he would cry right then and there. It would cause a drama and he was not ready to listen to his father's complaining.

He ran inside the bathroom and looked at the mirror, supporting himself on the sink. He misses his Ohm so much. His heart was clenching at the though of not being able to ever call him his lover again. Not being able to hug him ever again. Not being able to kiss him and make love with him ever again. Not being able to see his pearly teeth when he smiled at him. Not being able to embrace him and smell his scent. Not being able to wear their promise ring ever again.

Bad Buddy OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon