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Pat giggled at the blue handmade bracelet with his initial glistening under the lightning from where he sat.

"Saying you're hot doesn't mean she likes you. Stop imagining things." Pa complained while brining the laundry basket to the table, where she sat opposite her brother.

"I'm not imagining it," Pat insisted. "I can sense it."

"Last time you sensed something, you ended up buying a surf skate for a girl who dumped you right after that." She countered and groaned, getting back to folding a shirt, which is not even her's.

"That hurts," Pat deadpanned, smacking the shirt and ruining her work. "Are you really my sister?"

She looked at him in disbelief before putting her palm on her chest. "Because I'm your sister, I know how dumb you are when it comes to girls." She sassed her eyebrows at him.

Pat clicked his tongue. "Hey! You should atleast be supportive to your brother."

"For what?" Pa raised her eyebrows amousingly. "You trying to flirt with Ink when she doesn't even recognize it, or you insisting how you and P'Pran are friends." She mused.

Pat grinned from where he sat. "Of course we are." Pat emphasized proudly on the last word.

Pa grimaced sarcastically. "You guys are more like rivals who fight but help eachother so it's fair."

"Rivals who help eachother don't hang out and make eachother laugh." Pat retorted.

"I bet he just forces himself so he can move on from you."

"I bet you'd cry if I smack you."

"I bet Ink would appreciate hearing about you smacking me." Pa motioned as if she was going to hit Pat but stopped midway.

Pat groaned in defeat. He was starting to get annoyed. "Is it so hard to believe me and Pran are friends?"

Pa looked at him as if he asked an undeniably dumb question. "To be friends, you need these four things." She said vaguely.

Pat giggled. "What now? What four things?"

Pa replied with a roll of her eyes. "Fine. Just because I'm embarrassed to see you still trying."

Pat gasped offended. "Pa!"

"Shut up," Pa brushed him off and pulled her index finger in the air. "Rule number one; you need to feel comfortable in eachother's presence." She stated.

Pat nodded. He pulled a victory smirk. Surely a person who doesn't feel comfortable wouldn't laugh so brightly every time Pat does something comically stupid. And a person who wouldn't feel comfortable wouldn't do those things deliberately to make Pran laugh.

"Okay." He dragged out the word with a smirk.

Pa continued raising the next finger. "Rule number two; friends don't lie to each other."

And Pat successfully passed the second rule. He had never lied to Pran, not even when they were in high school. Atleast not out of spite. In fact, since they help each other in keeping their friend groups apart, they always tell each other if something happens and inform the other of their whereabouts. It would be almost impossible to lie even if he wanted to.

"Rule number three; friends help each other out," He ticked the third rule victoriously. They help each other a lot. "Without expecting anything in return."

Pat and Pran have been helping each other out, even though before it was mostly because both would get something out of it. But now that he thinks about it, they just do it without much thought. Pat kept Pran's guitar for him, he also helped with the bus stop, and he didn't want anything for it. Pran sometimes let's him borrow his notes from the class they have together, he sometimes cooks for him, and he never asked for anything in return.

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