Chapter three

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After the daily prophet released the paper on Sirius Black's escape from Azkaban Remus had been on edge, he rarely let Elio leave the house by himself in fear that Sirius would involve the boy in his mess.

Remus Lupin had spent 12 years mourning the loss of a man that he had loved with every fibre of his being. He'd been in denial of Sirius' betrayal for years after James and Lily. Though closer to the end of the war the couple started to turn on each other and he couldn't deny how defensive Sirius became, how he one day shifted the blame. They'd argue and yell until Sirius had taken it too far and blamed Remus, called him the traitor. It broke him when all Remus had ever done was try and keep their Sunshine safe.

Remus left their apartment in Camden a few weeks before the tragedy at Godric's hollow with Elio, they stayed with his father and Sirius had never shown up at the cottage to apologise.

A week later Mary had called him in tears with the most terrible news he'd ever heard. James, Lily and Peter were dead and Sirius had killed them.

He wanted so desperately to believe that his Padfoot would never do that but he couldn't deny the fact that Sirius had left him to raise Elio alone.

Every day for 12 years Remus still had to look into those same stormy grey-blue eyes, though the boy that stares back was now his son Elio and not Sirius. He could always tell when the boy was up to no good because he'd see the exact same flash of mischief in Sirius eyes when they'd get into trouble at school when they were just boys themselves.

His Sunshine had Sirius' smile too all the way down to the dimple that would deepen in his left cheek when he found something just too hilarious. Though the boy was a perfect mix of the two he couldn't always ignore the slight pang in his chest when Elio would laugh and smile it'd be the same bark like laughter that would erupt loudly and unapologetically.

Elio stood in front of the fireplace, he waited with a handful of floo power as his father stood in front of him with a crease in his brow lost in his thoughts.

He knew his dad was worried but he hadn't seen Ron all summer and he really wanted to check out Zonko's with the twins since it was the last day of summer, they'd already sent loads of letter back and forth with prank ideas to pull off at school (though the Weasley twins and Elio would have to be more careful if they didn't want to get caught with his father at the castle this year).

Elio bought  his father out of the nervous spiral he was no doubt having, the full moon was that night and he was always on edge before the transformation, when he spoke in a gentle voice.

"I'm gonna be fine dad, I'll be with the Weasley's the whole time and I'll get home before the mo- before dinner" he rambled

The tall lycanthrope smiled down at his son, he would be broken if anything happened to his boy.

"You won't go wandering off and you'll stay with the Weasley's the whole time ?"

"I Promise dad" Elio held out his pinky finger a small smile on his face, they'd always pinky promise when they made a deal with each other. Remus had been immensely shocked when his 3 year old son was trying to bargain with him, if he wanted to stay up past his bedtime he always got a hot chocolate and more stories than Remus had agreed to before finally falling sleep. Remus wasn't sure whether his son was advanced or if he was just a sleep deprived single werewolf dad.

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