Chapter five

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No one spoke very much for the rest of the journey. But the train finally pulled into Hogsmead and there was a great rush to get off the train, friends who couldn't find each other on the train reunited after a long summer. Pets meowed, hooted, hissed and croaked waiting to be let out of their cages and freely roam the castle grounds.

It was freezing on the tiny platform as ice cold rain was pelting it down onto the unprepared students. Elio felt even more cold, as the chill seeped and set further into his bones. He could wait to crawl into his favourite armchair by the fire in the common room with a hot chocolate before going to bed.

Hagrid's voice boomed over the excited chatter and rain, ushering the small confused first years over to the black lake to make the traditional journey by rowboat to the castle.

"All right you four?" Hagrid yelled over the heads of the growing crowd. They waved at him but didn't get the chance to stop and chat as they got swept up in the crowd moving towards the carriages.

The four managed to climb inside an empty one, shutting the door and voice out behind them. The coach set off up the mud track towards the castle, though Elio wasn't sure how since it didn't look like anything was pulling the carriages.

The inside smelt faintly of damp and straw making Elio feel even more sick, he felt slightly better since eating the chocolate his dad gave him though he still felt weak and clammy. Harry, Ron and Hermione kept looking at him sideways worried he might collapse again.

As the carriages made their way towards a pair of incredible iron gates flanked with tall stone columns with gargoyles sat on top.

Elio saw two more towering hooded dementors guarding either side of the entrance to the castle. A wave of cold sickness threatened to wash over him again, he looked away from the window and sunk into the lumpy seat of the carriage.

Finally the carriage picked up speed on the long sloping drive up the castle. Hermione was leaning out of the window watching the many towers and courtyards draw closer.

At last the carriage came to a stop and Hermione and Ron climbed out.

As Elio was about to step out, Harry close behind him, a drawling and delight voice sneered in his ears.

"You fainted Lupin? Is Longbottom telling the truth? You actually fainted?"

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"You fainted Lupin? Is Longbottom telling the truth? You actually fainted?"

Draco Malfoy elbowed his way past Hermione to block Elio's way up the stone steps to the castle, his face was gleeful like Christmas had come early though his pale eyes gleamed maliciously at the brown haired boy.

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