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It was a Sunday. Maya in his house had decreed it a mandate to go for a church service every Sunday. The rule was apparent and needed no echoes.
Pr Makanga Richard always waited at Unity prayer center. It was a busy church near Makerere University. Preaching was his element, counseling his gift, and helping his hobby. People enormously loved him for this.

The worshippers seemed to be having a good session of prayers; they danced, clapped and emotionally cried as they remembered God's stake in their lives.
Maya had never loved to sit near his wife. He was indifferent this time.
As Maya managed to secure a seat for himself, Rachael and Kevin failed. They consequently remained at the lobby, in a forced reverential sign of standing to their creator.

Rachael was dumbstruck by the way every one gazed at her. Some looked at her, communicated to neighbours and the neighbours stared too. She was either smart or funny.
She had fixed eyelids that were very dark, when the two on her left eye got mixed mixed up, she had no problem to put them right in every ones sight. Above her eyelashes, she paint yellow and pink below. She had many colours in face rendering her as colourful as a rainbow. These colours made her as artificial as a doll. All who instantly stared at her were forced to have another glance.
"Praise God brethren" the pastor emphatically stated.
"Praise him now and forever" the congregation replied.
That day the pastor had chosen a reading to do with mortality and how God holds supreme power over life.
"No one has power over life". The pastor looked very serious, put his green bow tie right, cleaned the sweat on his bald head by the help of his left hand, cleared his throat and stared at the entire congregation before him in a divine way.
" completely no one but the creator" he was more emphatic now, the tone in his voice was completely striking.
He stared at Maya and pointed at him. "Why do you abort?" He asked. Maya's face ran pale, dehydrated and unnerved.
"Why do you do you kill the people I create myself in you" Maya was now relieved. The question had been directed to another person a few feet away from Maya. He had thought the holy man of God had divinely known his sin and was yet to tell all believers.

The service reflections turned from mortality to abortion, the pastor was mad at women who abort even if under immense pressure by parents or even their husbands. He eventually called them back to Godly behavior through repentance.
"Am going to keep around for 30 minutes; not because I want to hold dialogues with you, not because am idle and have no where to go. But mainly for those who want to repent, those who want to regain your stake in the Lords sight, Amen"
The congregation was enticed by this touching preaching.
"He has talked to them" Maya's neighbour told him. "Abortions are a spate".
Maya was regretting his decision to sit inside the church, he would rather have stayed at the lobby like Rachael or even at home, since his mother wasn't around to flog him for missing a service like in his infancy. This was unwise though, he remembered when it had rained on him. He was unlucky. When outside the church, it rained on him, when inside the pastor made him the center of his preachings.
Pastor's preachings after Kevin's query about her past.

After the service, the couple glided down the stairs to there Mercedes.
As he drove down the streets of Mulago, silence filled the car. They couldn't help looking at each other, in no ability to say a word.
" Mummy!" Kevin looked at Rachael as if in examination of her ability to meet the question she was about to ask. " did God create you and me"
"Yes dear" Rachael wondered as to why the question had been asked.
"Yet he also created gorillas?" She widened her little eyes to depict the seriousness her question carried.
Maya laughed alongside his wife, the car seemed to be jovial again.

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