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Kevin was now 14 and almost 15 years of age. She had enjoyed her first week in Nairobi. What worried her was her  school life in schools she knew whose populous spoke neither English nor Luganda. How would she explicitly cope with learning Swahili.

Maya was welcomed in ecstasy by the old staff. This made him apparently feel at home.
Am peter, John they started to introduce themselves.
Once in a shrugged office down in kampala, Maya was now like a bird in air. He was in Nairobi the best Capitol in Eastern Africa.

His prime time on the job was the best a foreigner could ever get. He awaited the time he would answer the questions from his family at the dining table. How was your day, he would give a better answer then okay this time. He needed to cautiously think about what he would say.
His driving was gradual and gentle. He Stopped at Pesa supermarket to buy his family, the fatty chicken, spinning behind glasses.
His phone rung. The caller unknown. He didn't answer the call. He usually picked unknown numbers if they called for a third time.
"We are proceeding to Nairobi hospital , Rachael is in a critical condition" Is all Rachael could write at the moment.
This Pestered Maya's mind into, peculiar, rhetoric and saddening questions and monologues. He ran back to his vehicle and left the already paid order.

At the hospital gate, he could see his wife trailing a stretcher being pushed by several medics. It seemed his daughter lay on this stretcher.
He stopped the car and rushed towards the theatre where his daughter had been led. "What's this again?" No one was close to answer him.
"What happened Rachael?"
Kevin was unusually silent....tears rolled down her cheeks.. When I attempted to no what her problem was, she convinced me that she was fyn.
"Then what happened, why is she here" he wanted the long story short.
"When she attempted to stand, she collapsed"
Maya sighed, it was milder than he had expected, he had taken it for Cancer emanation. The only good thing to do was prayer and patience. This was Nairobi whose hospitals were more reliable.

They sat at the metallic seats outside the ward in which Kevin lay. Their attitude was impatient, but no other option was at hand. Maya held Rachael's hand and caressed it as usual.
They had a series of doors opening in the theatre and desperately stood at the lobby to welcome any news. As the footsteps advanced, they had wails, this isn't her Maya thought. Who else was in the ward to cry for her, doctors couldn't. His mind was reluctantly doubtful. She's the one, she's dead.

While the corpse was being led through the lobby to the mortuary, Maya was compelled to ask "what killed him"
The man stayed silent and continued. This was a cancer ward he realized, it must have been cancer he concluded. This lowered his hopes of taking Kevin home alive.

As he still agonised on his knees like Jesus in the Gethsemane, he had the door creak, it was either being opened or locked. Doctor Joroko Rema had opened the door.
"He's the doctor " Kevin pointed at him.
His look was always saddening even when he carried the good news. He was a white born in Kenya, his hair was densely curly. He had been a doctor for 25 years.
Maya jumped of his knees and advanced to the doctor for an engagement.
"How is she?"
The doctor gave no immediate answer.
Rachael fiercely drew closer for fear she would meet bad news.
After he generated a conviction that they had calmed down, the doctor begun to explain. "Her situation is severe, cancer has emanated and in its old stages" this didn't shock like he had expected. "She'll certainly die sooner than later" this scared more than he had intended.
"Did you know she had cancer"
"Yes she was under medication" Doctor DEO Does had talked to them about the possibility of Kevin being diagnosed with cancer in latter years. The way the abortion had been done annoyed Maya and he held Robert accountable.

Robert was a balded doctor who looked more professional than he were. He had failed his medical exams and consequently advised otherwise. His quests for graduation in medicine went futile. He therefore decided to illegally operate an unauthentic clinic. This is where Maya had mate him in times of sorrow more convincing than real doctors.
"You gave me the wrong medicine" Maya had shouted after Dr DEO had attributed the possibility of cervical cancer to the abortion drugs.
"Don't shout" Robert said " you'll attract bees for both of us.. by bees he meant policemen, abortion is an offence we both know it"
"Do you know the hell you've caused me and my wife" he retorted and "my daughter"
"Your wife produced" as if his incompetence was a surprise to himself.
"And the baby will be diagnosed with cancer in latter years the doctors say" he cried.
"That's no cause of worry" he grinned "its what I treat most, cancer"
This how Maya had got Kevin's particular skin lotion, tea and dark pills as medication for her Cancer. In 14 years the medicine had worked Maya had thought.

"No please am afraid the medicine you used doesn't help anything on cancer"
"No doctor, please do anything"
"Am afraid its too late" he stared at them more analytically as if what he was about to say was the accent of the whole story "all we can do is make her happy in her last two weeks on earth"
"Doctor I can do anything please"
"No not a thing Mr Maya, our daughter has been met by her fate, she has already paid her price on earth maybe"
Dr Rema believed that after creation everyone had to pay a certain price before the creator claimed his life again. Those who paid it would have an ecstatic eternal life and those who didn't would see their souls perish in eternal fires.
"Why did you hide this cancer for this long?"
Rachael glances at Maya before they both stared back at the man in a blue stained lab coat.
Maya felt culpable as much as Rachael, it was so peculiar to believe in lotions as treatment for cancer most especially by a person who had already failed them somewhere.
They couldn't say a word and the doctor knew it. "You can go and see her"

Kevin was unconscious. Tears rolled from her closed eyes down her cheeks as if to mourn for her own imminent death. Maya and Rachael continued to stare through the glass. They were close to killing a person. They had to be a pillar to each other, they were partners in wrong.

Maya moved from the hospital canteen, back to the ward. He had not been happy not to find food but only snacks and drinks.
His phone rung. Her secretary Malinda had called to remind him of his meeting with the chairman of KSF.
"Thanks please, I had forgotten I'll drive right away"
"You sound puzzled though "
"Not really " he forced a cumbrous chuckle of assurance.

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