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           The next morning, Kevin still lingered in her bed. She had dreamt, dreamt like always. She was running in an uncertain place to an improbable destination. She wasn't alone, a face she couldn't figure out was running after her with a machete of sharp edges that reflected the light from the midnight stars. Rachael pulled off her blanket in the very way African mothers do "Go and prepare for school"

"Dad you talked about a tour" she pulled a dining chair and sat, picked up a cookie and begun to have her breakfast
"Soon dear, its the last time you're going to school in Uganda, we shall get a school in Kenya.
This meant permanence to her.

The Maya family was ecstatic about their imminent about their migration. Nairobi was more than a perfect destination every rational person, especially in Uganda would yearn to be.

That day, Kevin, like always first looked for her friend James. They were gradually, involuntarily being taken by intimacy. He was absent, on her last day of School. She had planned to accept his love confessions the coming week, for now she was still playing had to get. She already loved him and knew about his love to her. He was not there to pick his answer like he had called it. But it all made no sense, accepting to get into love with a person you will leave the next day.

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