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Maya's prime sight caught a lavish car.  He could feel with substantial certainty the presence of the president. Who else would be its owner, not his secretary and not his. The only person he expected was the KSF president.
He was late, later than his boss. He parked his ride and moved hastily to his office.

The chairman was already in his office. He was a short balded man with a dark mustache and a dense greyish goatee. He clad in a patterned waistcoat of the east African wale wale design and a stripped bowtie, a white long sleeved shirt and a blue trouser.
In the office he stood in silence.
He gazed at the photo in which a man, a woman and a girl of about six years were very happy. The seemingly happy family was at Kisubi beach for a day out. Rachael in her clumsy beach shirt held Maya's wrist so aggressively. Kevin sat on Maya's shoulders with an intriguing smile.
Tears involuntarily showed from his large white eyes. He picked a handkerchief and cleaned his eyes erroneously.
Maya stood at the door and could see all take place. He lacked a better way to engage his sobbing boss.                              "You're welcome sir"
President Rayan was taken by surprise, he attempted to clean his eyes faster.
"Oh young man how are you? "
"Am fine sir" he bowed in reverence.
You're not fine, his inner man  detested,   Kevin was still in hospital. She'll be fine. Not at any moment, he detested again, she's on a death bed!!, how should she be fine then?.
"How is your work here?"
Maya had spent four days working. He always described his work as 'fine and satisfying' to those who asked.
"Thank you for choosing me Sir" he attached his palms in front of his chest.
"Not me" his tone was dismissive, its your eligibility, if anything is to go on well, eligible people should take on the responsibilities " he lifted his eyebrows to meet his his gaze "you're that responsible person"
He touched Maya's shoulder "if only good drivers used the roads, accidents would be easily mitigated"
Maya nodded consensually to this truth. He remembered how often he had applied in Uganda and failed.
The president unveiled his gift for him. It was a small golden trophy he brought him. It was the first of its kind. He checked. His name was at the bottom of the trophy.

While he attempted to move out of the office, the president seemed to have forgotten a thing or two, a crucial message that couldn't wait.
He turned instantly and faced him.
Maya was scared, did I do something wrong he thought
"Maya the meeting is soon, Malinda will tell you everything"
As he turned, his face was gridlocked in motion. He gazed at the family photo he had seen before.
"Maya, you were happy" he looked at him still "This is what you are going to be always"
Was he a prophet of doom, happy, how. What was there to bring this happiness. How would he be happy after his daughter had died.

Maya drove at a terribly fatal speed. He was so daunted. What condition was his daughter going through, was she even still alive, he irrefutably couldn't contemplate. He thought her dead, this wasn't possible, Rachael would call crying and let him know. She might be busy crying or in a lot of pain to call me, he had left his number with the hospital receptionist and she would at least call him. Why was he thinking death anywhere. Kevin was not the first to suffer from cancer, several people he knew had suffered and healed at the divine hand of pastor kagujje. Pastor Kagujje had been incarcerated with conviction for fraud. He wasn't sure anything would solve Kevin's cancer.
Had Kevin recuperated?, he wasn't sure.

Rachael looked through the window and desired to be the grazing cow she saw. Its pastures were at least green and it looked to have no slight problem. She had grown up thinking if animals had their own problems. She remembered the inscription 'while all creatures suffer human beings are different because they get to know that they suffer' and she grimaced.
"At least her calf won't get cancer" she said in a tone only herself could hear.
'Because she has not tried to abort' her inner man detested with fury.

It were twenty four hours now, Kevin was still unconscious. Her breathing was erroneous. Maya sat beside her while Rachael further from them.
They didn't say a word to each other. The thought of burying their daughter was haunting.
Every one in their minds held the other accountable.
Rachael wondered what Maya thought as Maya wondered if Rachael thought in his similar line.

"We're still together" Maya cried softly that Rachael couldn't hear "not this soon Kevin" he caressed her fleshy knuckles.
Behind the ward, wails were increasing. Why? Maya had since wanted to know

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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