𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆 ~ 𝑨𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒚𝒆𝒏

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The sun was streaming in past the curtains when Ilyna awoke the next morning. She went to turn to her side when she realized her body was very, very sore. Her legs were stiff and her arms were not much better. She so desperately wished to stay in bed. Ilyna was about to close her eyes once more when a knock came from her door.

"M'lady, I've bought breakfast for you." Ilyna groaned but stayed put.

"You can come in." Ilyna said unmoving, she was not sure if she could move her body was so stiff. The woman walked in with a tray in one hand. There seemed to be toast, an egg, and possibly some meat on the plate. Ilyna could feel her stomach growl as the smell of the food hit her nose. She slowly started to move out of the bed, once her feet touched the floor it was easier to move, but still she felt as if she could lie down for days.

"M'lady, where are your night garments?" The handmaid asked, Ilyna looked down to see that she was still in her clothes from yesterday. She had forgotten to take them off last night after meeting the princes.

'Oh, dear, the princes.' Her very casual conversation with the princes had just appeared in her head. She had been very tired last night and was slightly horrified by how she conducted herself in front of them.

"I-um-I was very tired and it seems I forgot to change into them." In all honesty Ilyna had been too tired to even try to look for her night garments; she had been planning to sleep in her under garments. She looked at the table where her breakfast sat,

"I can change after I eat. You are dismissed." The minute the handmaid left her room she immediately sat down and dug into her food. She was so hungry that she had not even asked the name of the handmaid. She made a mental note to ask the next time she saw her. Ilyna was never one to rely on the handmaidens that worked at Harrenhal, most people there knew that she would rather do things on her own.

The sun warmed the room as Ilyan undressed, she was glad to get out of those dirty clothes. There were several chests in her room that contained all of her belongings, however she did not know which one held the majority of her clothes. She rolled her eyes before she made her way to the first chest. Opening the wooden box was a struggle with her sore arms, lucky this first chest held the clothing she was looking for. She dug around for a few moments before seeing the blue fabric and pulling it out. This frock was merely one she could throw over her undergarments with a small tie in the back. She was not fond of the many ties that held most women's clothing together, mainly because she had to rely on another person to help her put it on. She let out a breath as she looked into the small mirror over the wooden dresser. Her dark brown hair was a mess, which was normally how it was. It was long and the most annoying thing to tame. A brush would never work to calm it down, and they hurt her head. She once again reached for the chests in search of clips and ties for her hair. Most days her hair was pulled back into a clip or braided and normally if she saw one of the handmaidens prior to a visit from the Septa she would ask them to fix any mistakes. Since she only knew how to braid on her own she decided to do that instead of letting her hair be all over the place. It was a simple hairstyle, but she liked it that way; it was practical and kept her hair out of her face, plus it made Septa mad because she never wore her hair down.

"You have beautiful long hair and you throw it up all the time, so unlady like." were the Septa's normal words to her. She thought it was funny because there was nothing Septa Maron could do about it.

Once she finished her hair, Ilyna walked to the small balcony as she did the previous night. Her mind wandered to her encounter with the princes, she had not been able to make out the full detail of their faces but she knew she would soon meet them. Prince Aegon seemed like a spoiled child that had no regard for niceties, she could not really say how Prince Aemond was. He seemed to not enjoy the company of his brother and was definitely more polite, however he did not let many emotions show during their encounter. This small fact intrigued her, he was a sort of mystery to her. She wondered if she would meet them again today, she did not know what was expected of her here in the Red Keep or how to go about her day.

𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑾 𝑶𝑭 𝑭𝑳𝑨𝑴𝑬𝑺 -𝒂𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒚𝒆𝒏Where stories live. Discover now