Chapter 3: Lovers Need Their Privacy

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Toy Bonnie's POV
It's been a few weeks since me and Freddy started dating, and still nobody has a clue, which is a good thing. I don't know what they would think if they accidentally saw me and Freddy making out in my room or something. Anyway I'm super excited because tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I'm taking Freddy out for the holiday. I've got everything planned out. First we'll go to the swimming pool to let off steam, then we'll go shopping but to buy him some new clothes, then I'll take him to see a movie, then we go to a hotel, where I'll surprise him with a bed full of roses and chocolate!! And everything is already set up, all I need to do is just wait.
It's about 9:00 am and I'm so excited. I shake Freddy to wake him up. "Rise and shine!!" I said yanking the covers off of him. "Huh" he said still half asleep. "Today's Valentine's Day and I have a bunch of stuff planned. He sits up. "Today's what?" He said. "Valentine's Day don't you remember?" I asked. "Oh shit! Geez I'm really sorry babe I've just been really out of it lately" he apologized. "That's ok" I said kissing him on the lips. "We're gonna do a lot of stuff today!" I squealed. "Okay so what's first?" He smirked. I smiled. "You'll see" I said.
We get dressed into our bathing suits and head down to the pool. "Oh swimming nice" he looked at me and smiled. We got in and the water was just the right temp. The pool had a jacuzzi, and a high dive it was perfect.
I told Freddy that I was gonna do a flip of the diving board. So I climbed up there and he watched as I flipped off and landed into the water. I swam back up but I felt weird. Then I saw my trunks float up next to me. Oh shit my trunks fell off! Good thing there's no one here but us. He laughed at me and swam over to me. "Please tell me they flew off as soon as I hit the water and not before" I hoped. "Sure we can go with that" he snickered. What? Does that mean he saw my...? Oh my god what if he thinks it's too small or something, good job Bonnie you've really done it this time.
We went shopping and saw a movie and he absolutely loved it, and I'm so glad he did. Now all that's left is to surprise him at the hotel. We go into the hotel and I cover his eyes and I lead him to our room. "Seriously, I don't see why my eyes have to be covered, you might run me into the wall or something" he joked. "Haha very funny" I said. We got to the room and I unlocked it and uncovered his eyes. "Dammmmnnn" he said. The room was filled with yellow/pinkish roses and chocolate packages and streamers. "You did all of this for me?" He asked. "Well yea I mean I did this for all the years I've been in love with you" I said. He picked up a bouquet of roses. "You couldn't have gotten red?" He said. I looked at him in I disbelief. "I'm kidding I'm kidding" he told me. "You're an asshole" I said. He walked over to me. "And you're a brat" he said. He leaned me over and kissed me. "Thank you babe this is amazing" he said. "You're welcome" I blushed.
We spent a while just hanging out there and when it started to get dark he got in bed and started watching a movie. He turned over to me. "Bonnie?" He said. I looked at him. "Yea?" I replied. He grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. "Hey what was that fo-" he was hovering over me. I'm blushing so hard right now. "Fre-Freddy what's wrong?" I asked. "Well, I never got to give you your Valentine's present, so I was thinking I could give you one now" he said. "Wha-what do you mean?" I asked getting more red by the second. "I think you know what I mean" he said sitting up on me and taking off his tie. "But Fre-" he cut me off and started kissing me. He was pressing hard against my lips. "I love you Bonnie" he says kissing me again. "Wait.." He kisses me again. "What if I'm not ready" I say. He stops. I look away. "What if it hurts, or we do it wrong, i would be embarrassed" I whisper. He smiles gently. "Don't worry " he says and gives me this soft look. He kisses me softly on the lips. "I love you" he says. He continues and I wrap my arms around him, pulling onto his shirt as he caresses me with his touch. He's dragging me in with his words. His hands embrace me so gently. It feels so good to be kissed by him.
I laid there just letting my self be swooped away by his embrace, and he just messed me up all night long

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