Interviews with the cast!

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Guysssss I have writers block everything thing that I wanted to go on has disappeared!!!! Ugh I'm so sorry guys, but I will still update! I'm giving you interviews with the cast, I'm just having them answer questions about each other and stuff, I hope u guys like it, the next chapter is in progress, Ugh it's gonna kill me if I don't remember lol (oh and ps I'm just gonna make up some random usernames)

Interviewer(me): Hello everyone welcome to ask the cast! We're on set with the employees of the new Fazbear's Pizzeria! So hey guys how's it going?

Chica: Great!

Toy Bonnie: Good, it's nice to be here

Toy Freddy: Same as Bonnie

Mangle: *Waves* it's awesome

BB: *Giggles shyly*

Marin: It could be better

Trap: Fine

Holly: Amazing! Wow this set is so cool!

Harry: Eh it's whatever

Interviewer: Alright so first question goes to...Freddy!

Toy Freddy: Hit me up

Interviewer: Ok so xxfnafqueenxx asks "so Freddy what's it like having to more members added to your team?"

Toy Freddy: It's a big change for sure, but they're pretty cool, they're really good at what they do

Harry: aww thanks boo bear!

Toy Bonnie: *slightly annoyed* Boo bear?

Harry: Yea you and him have nicknames, I thought I'd give him one of my own

Toy Bonnie: alright....

Marin: Next question please

Interviewer: Right so speaking of Freddy and Bonnie, you to have a thing going on, is that correct?

Toy Bonnie: *blushes*

Toy Freddy: yes that's correct, he's my little Bon-Bon! *reaches over and rustles Bonnie's hair)

Toy Bonnie: Aw Freddy I just had this done!

Toy Freddy: Eh, it'll just get messed up later tonight anyways

Toy Bonnie: *Gasps* Freddy!!

Toy Freddy: *Chuckles*

BB: *Giggles* What's that supposed to mean?

Toy Bonnie: *Face is flushed red*
N-nothing BB, it's nothing, next question

Interviewer: Haha alright this next one is for Chica!

Chica: Yay! What's it say?!

Interviewer: ToyFronnie_is_my_otp says "Chica how do you get your eyes to change to black, for when you scare the night guard?

Chica: I paint them...

Everyone: ......

Chica: Haha just kidding, I used contacts silly!

Interviewer: That's good to hear, um next question is for...Bonnie!
_fredbear87_ asks "are you ready for Freddy?" (Fnafb referance)

Toy Bonnie: ummmm, *blushes* I'm always ready for Freddy I guess...

Toy Freddy: Yep!

Marin: Next question!

Interviewer: Okay, umm, oh! This one is actually for you, Marin!

Marin: That's what I'm talking about

Interviewer: no_strings_on_me says *clears throat* have BB cover his ears

Mangle: *picks up BB and covers his ears* k go

Interviewer: okay...no_strings_on_me says " your cum can be my face makeup"

Toy Freddy: *Laughs uncontrollably* sorry, that's just hilarious

Chica & Mangle: *Snicker*

BB: Huh? What's so funny?! I wanna know!

Marin: *Scoffs* it's not funny, if they want to try new things, then nothing is stopping them *smirks & winks at the camera*

Chica: Okay!! Next question!

Mangle: *Uncovers BB's ears*

Interviewer: *giggles* ok, the next question is for... Trap!

Trap: *raises an eyebrow* me?

Interviewer: Mhmm, now foxy_fox says "it was really kind of Freddy to let you have his room, don't you think so?"

Trap: Yea it was actually surprising to me, I mean I hardly ever talk to these guys and they treat me like family... I really appreciate it.

Toy Freddy: No problem, Trap you are family no matter what the cause okay?

Trap: Okay...

Interviewer: Aww you guys, my feels meter is at the top!

BB: Umm, is there a question for me?

Interviewer: Hmm, let me see, ah! Found one! _kawaii.fnaf_
asks "BB!!!! How did you get so cute?! I wanna cuddle you in my arms and feed you cupcakes all day!"

BB: *Giggles* well I do like cupcakes...

Interviewer: I'm sure you do, but that's all the time we have for today, sorry if we couldn't get to some of you guys, I know you wanted some questions for you, but we'll get you next time, as for now I'm signing off, join us next time on, Ask The Cast!

Everyone: *Waves* BYE!!!!

Ok guys today I'm starting cheer practice and I'm going to be busy 24/7 idk when I'll be able to update, but I'll try to update as much as I can, I appreciate all the support you guys are giving me, by voting and commenting it makes me really happy, and I think yall are going to like what I have in store for this book, thanks again love you guys XOXO

Ps if u have any questions u want to ask them just message me them

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