Chapter 4: Hiding The Marks

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Toy Bonnie's POV
I was so sore from last night with Freddy. I mean not in a bad way what we did felt so good, but it's just I have marks all over me. Love bites on my neck, my back, my ears, all over and to top it off, my face and my ass are bright red. Freddy has some marks too. I couldn't let my self be the only one who's pleased, so I left a few loves bites on him, some are in the same places as mine, others aren't...
I don't know what the rest of the gang would think if we got home and saw our marks, they would ask too many questions. Freddy covered his up with a long sleeve shirt, pants, a scarf and a beanie. You couldn't possible tell he was hiding something, since it was also a bit windy outside, and most people will just think it's fashion. Me on the other hand, had it tough. I could cover the ones on my ears by also wearing a beanie and my hair is long it so it kinda covers the ones on my neck. I don't really have any marks on my arms, maybe just a few, so I can wear a tee shirt, and I put on pants. It's just my face that's showing. It looks really flushed. My cheeks looks like I just got slapped about a dozen times. I mean I got slapped a couple of times but it wasn't on my face...
We headed back in to the pizzeria very cautiously. I might look funny when I walk, my legs are so sore. We opened the door and tried to sneak passed Chica's room and Mangle's room, it was 4:30 in the morning and we didn't want to wake them. We thought it would be best to come back early in the morning so they wouldn't notice that we were gone. We got back to my room and were relived. "God I'm so glad they're still asleep" I said. Freddy nodded. He looked at the clock. He turned to me. "There's still a little time left before they wake up" he said and started to come forward. Oh god he wants to do this now? He hovers over me and starts to kiss me. "Fred-Freddy not now" I said trying to push him off. "Come on It'll be fine" he said starting to kiss my neck. "No, what if they hear us?" I said. "Hear what?" A voice said. I froze up. It's Chica. I looked at Freddy like oh shit. "What's going on here guys" Chica said. I pushed Freddy off "nothing" I said. "He was just trying to tickle me, he found my new ticklish spot and I told him to stop cuz we might wake you guys up" I finished quickly. Chica squinted at us. "Ok..." She said. She walked away. I turned to Freddy and punched him in the arm. "What the hell man?!" I said. He looked at me with a pouty look. "I'm sorry, I thought they were still asleep" he said. I sighed "it's ok" I told him. He leaned towards me and whispered my ear. "I love you" I smiled. And kissed him cautiously. "I love you too" I whispered back.
After singing to the children and the pizzeria closed, we started to get ready for Mike to walk through the door. Me, Freddy, and Chica got up on stage and just stood there. "Ok so what are y'all's routes for tonight" Freddy said. "I'm going to the restroom first to creep him out a bit, then I'm gonna sneak past to the room next to the office and go into the vents" Chica said. Freddy nodded and turned to me what about you Bonnie? "Oh, I'm going straight to the party room, then going to go the vents after Chica to make him have to repeat checking for the vents and confuse him" I said. "Ok I'll go straight to the hall then" Freddy said. We nodded and the door opened and Mike came in.
Mike sighed and went to his office, it's day 4 for him here, but he's not quitting, he says he wants to stay even more than a week to "straighten" us out. "Have made any contact with mangle?" Chica whispered. "Earlier" Freddy said. "I know her route". We all nodded and went completely life-less until like 3 minutes into the night. I hopped off the stage and made my way for the party room on the left. I stood there in the corner of the room holding my guitar. The camera started moving which means he's looking in the room that I'm in. It stopped moving. "I love this part" I thought to my self. I moved to the front where the camera is and stared into it. It started moving again. "AGGHHHHHH GOD BONNIE EVERY FUCKING TIME!!!" Mike screamed. I laughed. I slipped past the room and headed for the right party room with the vent. Chica was already there as planned. "Hey" I whispered. She turned around. "Hey" she whispered back. "Everything's going as planned" I said. "Yea" she nodded. "Well I should go" she said. "Yea" she made her way into the vent and a few seconds later we heard a scream and then she came back "and that's how it's done" she said getting out of the vent. I rolled my eyes and started crawling into the vent. I looked into the opening where it led off into the office. Mike was there with the Freddy mask on. I don't know why he thinks it fools us , because it doesn't, but we play along anyway so he at least thinks he has hope. He turned on the vent light. "Oh god" he said. He put on the mask. I crawled out of the vent. I went over to the front of his desk. "Ugh this is so stupid" I thought. I played along and shrugged and left the office. Freddy was on the main hall and so was Chica. Chica was walking closer to the entrance. I passed them and turned around to see Chica was at the entrance. Oh my god. Mike pulled an axe from behind the counter and got up and started running. "Chica I fucking hate you!!!!" He screamed. "Fucking die! " he yelled. My eyes widened. He's gonna tear Chica apart! My reflexes acted first and my feet started running. Before I knew it I was reaching out to Chica and I threw my self at her just as Mike swung the axe. I grabbed her and we toppled to the ground. I sat up with Chica in my arms. She was stunned. The scared look on her face made me enraged. I set her down and Freddy came to her aid. I stood up and started walking towards Mike. He was just standing there looking at us. "Where are you going?!" Freddy asked. I kept walking. "Bonnie?" He said. I reached the entrance where Mike was. I stood over him. I don't know what's happening, something is in control its not me anymore. "Bonnie what are you-" I took his axe from his hands. I was so I furious and enraged. My emotion took control of me. I lifted the axe.
Toy Freddy's POV
Chica was almost torn apart by Mike. She's laying in my lap stunned. Bonnie got up and started walking. He took Mike's axe. My eyes widened. I set Chica down and got up and ran towards Bonnie. He lifted the axe getting ready to swing, while Mike was begging him not to. I grabbed the axe to stop it from swinging. "BONNIE STOP!" I yelled. "What are you doing?!" He turned to me. His eyes were bright red. I panicked. "Wh-why are your eyes like that?" "Why are you doing this, this isn't you" I finished. He growled. "Stop! Look at yourself!" I said and turned him to the mirror in the office. He looking into it. I heard silence, then crying. He turned back around. One eye was still bright red and the other was the green eye he normally has, covered in tears. "Help me" he said sobbing. He dropped the axe. And fell into my arms. I slumped down with him and cradled him. I ran my fingers through his hair. "It's ok I got you" I said. He was still sobbing. Chica's eyes started to flutter. She sat up. "Wha-" she said. "I don't know what got into me, please don't hate me Freddy" Bonnie said making me turn back to him. I picked up his head. "I could never hate you" I said and grabbed him and pressed my lips against his. Mike's jaw dropped. Chica's eyes widened. "Wha--!!!" She said and passed back out. Mike slumped to the floor. He passed out too. Me and Bonnie let go. He smiled and so did I. I held him once more before getting up. I don't care if anyone saw anything, all I want right now is to hold him in my arms.

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