Chapter 8: What's Mine, Is Mine

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Toy Bonnie's POV

Okay so it's been about a week and a half since they Harry and Holly came and joined our crew. Holly is alright, she cheers everyone up when we're down, and she always knows just what to say, everyone likes her, even Trap.

Harry on the other hand, is a different story. To the others he's just your average fun-loving guy, but to me, there's something off about him, he's been hanging around Freddy a lot too, does he want to ask Freddy about us?

If so, then shouldn't he just come out and say it? Eh, I'm not going to dwell on it, my head is already full with stuff it didn't need to be filled with.

I made my way down to the main entertainment area, to so everyone sitting down eating breakfast except for Holly and Trap. I wonder where they are. I took a seat beside Freddy and tapped his shoulder. "Morning, Bon-Bon!" He beamed. I smiled. "Hey, do you know where-"

I was cut off by giggling and laughing. I turn my head to see what was making the commotion and I find Holly and Trap emerge from the hallway, where Freddy's room is.

She seemed to be flirting with him, batting her eye lashes in that sort of way. I cocked my head, I don't really understand girls. "Well, well, well, I see you two have gotten close" Freddy chuckled.

Trap blushed. "She's just a friend, she made up with me last night" he said. "Made up?" Marin raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Wha?! No not like that, s-she just apologized and kept me company, t-that's all!" He protested.

"Mmhmm" Marin said not believing a single word Trap said. Trap rolled his eyes and sat down at the table patting the seat next to him, motioning Holly to come to sit. I smiled. It's nice to see them getting along.

"Did you sleep well?" Freddy said turning back to me. "Oh um yea, I'd thought you'd wake me up but oh well" I told him. "I was going to actually, but you just look so adorable when you sleep, I didn't want to disturb you" he swooned.

I blushed. "O-oh". He laughed and ruffled my blue hair. Freddy got up and threw his plate away. "Well I'm going to go get ready, see you guys in a few!" I nodded with the rest of the group, as Freddy walked off.

A little after It was just me and Chica and the table, and I was hurrying to finish, so I could check on Freddy. I like it when we get ready together, when he asks to do my hair, it feels nice when he plays with it.

I scuff my food down and head for his room. (His stuff is still in there, so he gets ready in the there).


A/N: Freddy's POV now

I made my way down the hallway towards my room, so I could get ready to start the day. *patter patter patter* I heard behind me . I turned back to see Harry following me. "Oh hey Harry did you need something?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Yea, come with me" Harry said and grabbed my  hand and started to pull me. Harry yanked open my  door and threw me  in. I sat up rubbing my head. "Oww, what was that for?" Harry shut the door and started to come towards me.

I rose to my feet only to be slammed against the wall. "Wha-?! Harry what are you doing?!" Harry smirked. "You know I've admired you for a long time, even before I started working here, you've always gave me this sort of...feeling"

"Huh?!" I questioned. Harry continued. "He's quite a looker isn't he? He's also very kind, no wonder why you like him so much..., but I bet he's not enough for you huh?" My  eyes widened. "What?!" Harry tilted his head.

"You know what I mean... He can't please you enough, am I right?"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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