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I identify as she/her. I have to write these stories as if I was in Y/n's place, so please understand I am not being close minded for using these pronouns. You don't need my permission to switch them, I love you ♥️


"C'mon kid, you've taken a bigger beating than this."

"Tony would you just relax?"

The conversation was cut short as I opened my eyes.

"Ah," I winced as I used my hands to attempt to block the searing sun. It was blurry, but it was blinding. Instantly, I could feel the pain equal to the feeling of my brain banging in my skull. "What happened?" My sight focused as I watched Bruce stand from a chair to close the blinds. The room was similar to a hospital's, but I'm not sure how we got here.

"Your ex girlfriend kicked your ass." Tony spoke nonchalantly, taking Bruce's seat and leaning back. "I told you to be careful."

"Oh." I stated, tilting my head to the side as I remembered. I tried to sit up from the bed I was on, but ended up simply rolling off of it.

"Easy!" Bruce warned as he and Tony both reached out to catch me. Tony, since he was the closest, barely managed to get a hand on my chest before I hit the floor. "You're dealing with a minor concussion."

"It doesn't feel minor," I grumbled as I held my head and sat back onto the bed. Tony tossed me an ice pack that I'm assuming Bruce had ready, and I placed it on my aching head.

"Well let's just say, you are lucky you're super." Tony stated. It was clear an average person would suffer worse from the blow I took.

"Y/n is one of the most complicated beings I've come across. To be able to kill with a simple touch, her strength, her emotional control over others... I've never seen anything like this." Bruce spoke.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around carefully as to not fall again. I didn't feel like I could talk about the reason we were here.

"Just a medical room outside of the lab" Bruce corrected my private assumption before giving a sympathetic smile. I groaned again as the pressure moved around in my head. "Take these." He handed me three pills.

"What are these? Some sort of tiny alien robots that burrow inside the brain and fix it?" I asked, staring at them in my hand. The two of them looked at me strangely for a second before Bruce spoke slowly.

"It's ibuprofen..."

"Oh..." I paused for a few moments before quickly swallowing the dry pills. "Thank you."

"So," Tony spoke suddenly as he stood up. "We can't let this happen again."

"What do you mean?" I jumped off the table, regretting it instantly as I stumbled again.

"You can't get close to Y/n." His words made my stomach drop to me knees. He purposely spoke as he was walking out of the door, as to which I tried to follow him. Managing to stay on my feet, I grasped the door frame and pulled myself out of the room.

"Mr. Stark you don't understa-"

"Look at you, you can barely walk!" He exasperated as he turned to face me. We were in the hallway now, our voices echoing. "You're lucky she didn't kill you. I'm serious. Don't make me call May!" He tried to stop me from speaking up with a threat.

"May loved her too." I spoke and looked down at my feet. I was still in the casual jeans and white tshirt I was in before, and my converse kept my gaze. I needed clarity. I needed answers. I couldn't just sit back and do nothing.

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