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"May, do you think I can take one of your roses today?" I asked sheepishly as I pulled my shoes over my feet. I looked up at her as she didn't respond, and was met with a look of a mother. The 'really, kid?' look, like what I just asked was the stupidest thing she had ever heard.

"Pete, we just planted those yesterday." She scoffed out from her spot at the table. She had been scrolling on her phone, minding her own business as she ate some oatmeal before leaving for work. "Why do you need a rose?"

"Oh I uh..." I was at loss for words, as I didn't think this through fully. Truthfully, I was hoping a rose would spark anything from (Y/n), whether it be a memory or a feeling, I just wanted to try. At the very least, maybe it will make her smile.

"Mr. Stark's fiance is coming in today," I began my lie. "I haven't seen her in a while so I thought it would be nice."

May stared at me for a moment, looking around in my eyes for something I didn't know, before speaking up.

"Sure, why not? Everyone loves flowers." She gave me a small smile. "Speaking of Tony, I'm surprised you're still here right now."

"Yeah me too, I haven't gotten a text or call from Happy so I'm not too sure what's going on yet." I replied and stood back up from tying my shoes.

As if on cue, Aunt May's phone dinged. She quickly put on her glasses and smiled at her phone. "Happy says he's been trying to reach you all morning." She spoke after looking up from her phone.

"Oh okay thank- wait, why do you have his phone number?" I gave her a strange look as she blushed but walked to my room to grab my phone anyways. After I picked it up, it flashed me the 'dead battery' screen. "Ah damn it." I cursed, realizing I had forgotten to plug it in the night before.

"Happy's here!" May called from the kitchen.

"Okay!" I called back and grabbed my phone and charger to bring along with me. I nearly ran from my room, said goodbye to May, and ran to the stairwell. The elevator was out but I didn't care. I could take the stairs faster anyways.

Ripping down the stairs and bursting through the doors, I skimmed over the selection of roses until my eyes met the deepest red. I smiled lightly and ripped the rose from the bush. If she liked any of them, it would be this one.

Happy honked his horn aggressively and I trotted over, feeling pretty optimistic about the relationship I was creating with Y/n. Ripping open the door, I was met with a very flustered Happy.

"Why the hell didn't you answer? We've been trying to get a hold of you all fucking morning!" He yelled.

"Take it easy, Happy!" I laughed and put my arms up in defense before climbing into the car. "My phone was dead."

"Wipe that smirk off of your face. Y/n is gone." His words made my smile drop as I slammed the car door shut harder than I should have.

"W-what?" I asked, not realizing I was gripping the headrest in front of me.

"You left her food slot open and she managed to throw GLASS at the fricking open button." He growled out. With those words, all I could hear was the ringing in my ears. It grew very loud very quickly as my head began to spin.

There was no doubt in my mind that I really had left it open. I was so stuck on figuring her out, I forgot the one warning Mr. Stark gave me. 'Don't forget to seal it.'

"Oh man... oh my god..." I spoke out, or at least I think I did, I couldn't tell anymore. "Damn it. Damn it damn it damn it!" I began yelling. Without even thinking, I collided my fist into the headrest, letting out an exasperated scream. I ended the scream with a tight grip on the thing I punched.

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