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"...It's really hard not to blame myself." You heard a familiar voice speak through the black abyss in front of your eyes. "I should have followed her that night. I... I should have told her."

"You did what you thought was right. That's all any of us can do." Another voice, much more grown up, answered Peter. You could hear the slightest noises around the room as your eyes remained paralyzed shut. Small objects were moving around, cupboards opening and closing, as Bruce began cleaning up from his work.

"Yeah, I guess." Peter sighed and crossed his arms over his chest as he kept a close eye on your heart monitor. "I just never seem to make the right choice."

Peter was rapidly startled from his melodramatic trance as you suddenly gained full control and feeling over your body. With little to no effort, your eyes snapped open and your body jolted up. Peter was quick to jump to his feet as you instantly sent yourself into a panic.

You gasped in a large breath of air, feeling the tender pain in your chest, and darted your head around for anything recognizable.

"No..." You cried out weakly as you spotted the various medical machines around you. Your eyes followed the tube that led from your arm to a clear bag of fluid. "No no no..." Your eyes darted from the bag and found the table of syringes and needles. A stinging in your neck caused you to flinch and cradle the area, closing your eyes tight as you realized you had experienced this pain before.

Please, not again.

"Y/n?" A soft voice broke through the memories that were forming in your head. You shot your gaze up at the voice that spoke, feeling instant warmth coat the fibers of your skin as you met his dark brown irises. His suit covered his body from the neck down.

"Peter..." You whispered out, relieving yourself of any of the fear you had felt not two seconds ago. You wanted to cry as he smiled delicately at you, grateful that he so easily took away the dark horror you were currently facing. "What happened?"

"I didn't realize you were hurt so bad," He spoke sorrowfully as he walked a few steps and leaned his arms on the bed. "Your lung collapsed. I'm so sorry." You watched him momentarily before spotting the man in a lab coat behind him.

"What's going on?" You asked warily, failing to hide the fright that was creeping back into your stomach. Peter looked over his shoulder to see what you were looking at. Once his gaze was away, you hopped off of the bed and backed into the wall, almost like before you fainted.

"It's okay, Y/n!" Peter spoke cautiously as he stepped into the open space between you and Dr. Banner.

"What's going on?" You repeated louder as your breathing sped up. Why was he doing this to you? "What did you do to me?!"

"Please calm down." Peter continued to speak to you like you were a child, yet that isn't what bothered you. You felt lied to. You felt downright played.

"No." You growled out and glanced between the two men who watched you closely. You spotted the table again and were quick to grab the largest needle displayed.

"Put it down." Bruce warned and stood up straight. You watched him carefully as his muscles just barely visibly rippled angrily. Peter took in a sharp breath as the two angriest people in the world stared one another down. "I said put it DOWN!" Bruce yelled. Both you and Peter flinched at his menacing tone but you stood your ground.

"Bruce, maybe you should take a walk." Peter decided before jutting his jaw to the door to tell the man to scram. Bruce glared at you for a few seconds more before slowly moving towards the door. Your eyes were locked with his until he was outside of the door and walked away.

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