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"Okay, who here hasn't been to space?" Rocket spoke as he turned around from the pilot's seat. Steve, Rhodey and Natasha all raised their hands like school children but you couldn't find the will to let go of the straps across your chest.

Rocket took one look at your puckered and cringed face and knew your hand should be up.

"You better not throw up on my ship." He almost chuckled before turning back to the steering.

"Approaching jump in three, two, one." Nebula spoke, causing the other three newbies to clutch their buckles as well.

You could see the flashes of colors through your eyelids as the force pushing against you increased. The skin on your face tightened quickly as you were pressed into your seat. You weren't sure how you managed to hold in a scream, but you did.

Suddenly, you were still.

Your eyes opened quickly and you looked around to see everyone gazing into the vast openness of space. Distant planets and moons floated like illusions in the dark abyss as Captain Marvel spoke from the outside of the ship.

"I'll head down for recon." She spoke before zipping away at lightning speed.

Your heart rate hadn't slowed down but you looked around in hopes the energy of everyone else would help. Steve glanced down at a picture he pulled from a pocket in his suit. You felt stupid in your sweatpants and hoodie but thought there were bigger things to worry about than apparel.

Natasha looked at Steve fondly before growing serious.

"This is going to work, Steve." She reassured him.

"I know it will." He spoke softly and stared out at the close planet. "Cause I don't know what I'm gonna do if it doesn't."

You knitted your brows together and looked to the floor of the spaceship, knowing exactly how he felt. A distant light caught your attention and you looked back up just in time to see Carol floating back to you all.

"No satellites. No ships. No armies. No ground defenses of any kind." She spoke warily. "It's just him."

"And that's enough." Nebula whispered. A chill ran up your spine at the way she feared the man who was said to be her father. He had wiped out half of the planet in less than a day. The idea of this mutant was fear inducing.

Rocket stayed silent but followed Captain Marvel as she turned around and floated onto the surface of the planet. You clutched your buckle again but felt more anxiousness for the mutant than for the landing.

As the plane landed shakily but silent, Carol disappeared from sight. The floor opened into a set of stairs and the team wasted no time getting off. Bruce stood near a control panel and pushed a few buttons, lifting and contorting as a huge suit, similar to Ironman's, collected around his body. He built up into a giant, gold and red machine. You took a few steps back and wondered why he wasn't just hulking out. Maybe he was worried about your contagious anger?

You followed loosely as they stalked up to a beat down shack, laid out in a large field of prickly but round fruit. Bruce disappeared from sight next as everyone prepared for a fight. You stood to the side, desperate to help but fearing getting in the way. You were the only one who didn't know what to do, and a big part of you felt useless.

Carol flew into the air and blasted a few balls of focused energy through the ceiling. After the last one struck through, she threw herself after them. You ran to look through the door as it blasted open and saw her swing her legs into the air. Her arms grabbed around his throat and her foot began prying a melted metal gauntlet from his hand.

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