Chapter 1: New Girl

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Love, a four letter word and has an infinite amount of meaning depending on a persons perspective

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Love, a four letter word and has an infinite amount of meaning depending on a persons perspective. A powerful word that can drive your love story to something pleasing or something tragic. But it was not this word that changed my life. it was the experience I had with some certain girl.

It was morning Sophomore year's first day of class, I was strolling around at the classroom corridors with my friends and I noticed this new girl on the other section. Silky smooth hair, Those light brown and almost chinita looking eyes. But what Captivated me the most is those glowing smile hers. I never expected this to happen as I don't believe in love at first sight.

"Maybe I just find her physically appealing" talking to my inner self.

"or?" I asked myself silently.

"Naaah! it's just a crush. it's not love" Persuading myself.

"Are you okay?" Lucas, my bestfriend, asked as we walk past the new girl's classroom.

"Yeah, why?" I replied with a confused look.

"You looked like you've seen a ghost" He replied with a curiously.

"Who's that new girl from section E?" I asked.

"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!" Hallway bell rang.

"How would I know? Let's go back to our respective classroom class is starting!" He repliedrunning back in our classroom.

"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!" Recess time bell rang.

Music to my ears. I immediately go tu lucas's classroom and asked him to go to the men's cr as an excuse as it is close to the new girl's classroom. Of course desperate enough, I used my connections to her section and asked for her name during recess time. What a fitting name for a beautiful maiden "Lea". I realized that it was just one letter that is different in our names, is this meant to be? butterflies immediately filled my stomach as I heard her name. Such cringe Happy moment happened in my high school life.

Days quietly passed by, Lucas noticed something to me.

"Why are you acting strange since this last two weeks?" Lucas asked.

"Huh? what are you talking about?" asking confused.

"Like why are you so neat, tidy and always looking at Section E's classroom whenever we pass by" He replied.

"You have a crush on someone in section E huh?!" He asked loudly.

"Shut it!" I immediately covered is mouth with my hands.

"HAHA! I knew it! So, Who's this girl you have a crush on?".

I pointed at Lea.

"Naaaah, She's out of your league Leo!"

"I know! It's just a crush I'm not going to hit on her" I annoyingly replied.

As I went home that day what Lucas said sink into my mind.

"Yeah, I know She's out of my league. But what's wrong with having a crush on someone?" Asking myself.

Those words really did a downgrade on my confidence. Accepting that I don't even have a slight chance on Lea and just started living an ordinary high school life. 2 months have passed and to my surprise I heard from Lucas that Lea and Paul is now having a relationship. At the end of the day, feeling the sad boy vibe, that I don't even have the right to feel Listened to the number 1 sad boy song Thunder by FM static as I went home. Comparing myself to Paul, yep that's a big gap on the looks there. He's tall, Handsome and smart. also, the school heartthrob. Of course!

I wouldn't have a chance.

The following days, I always caught glimpse of them everyday being lovey dovey with each other. How I wished I was at Paul's placesharing those love dovey moments with Lea. at that moment I asked myself.

"What if I had made a move on Lea first? what would happen?"

Naaah, that wouldn't happen. I think this isn't normal for me to be dwelling on this kind of stuff. Let's just see what happens. there's still a lot of girls out there. at this moment I continued as a background character in their love story as months passed by.

3 months have passed,

"Leo! Have you heard?!" Lucas, shockingly asked.

"Heard what?"

"Lea and Paul have broken up last 3 weeks ago!"

"Oh, really?" Hiding the excitement I was feeling.

I really feel bad about them breaking up and at the same time feeling overjoyed. Never thought of having this kind of personality deep inside me. Oh how bad love can really change a person. So now I've got to make my move. Gone to Lea's class and asked a girl closed to lea and asked for her number.

P.S. Sorry for the boring start, Hope you enjoyed it guys. Stay tuned to know

what comes next and know the relation to the title :)

~Love you all xoxo

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