Chapter 2: Man up

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"Hi Lea" The first text message I sent to Lea

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"Hi Lea" The first text message I sent to Lea. My heart beating fast as I wait for her to reply.
Heart skips a beat like I'm running a hundred meter dash. Worrying about how will She reply to my message. Will she be interested who is texting her or will she ignored an unknown number texting her. 

"tit tit tit tiiitiiit tititit...... 2x" The ringtone of my Nokia 3310

Overjoyed because she replied and at the same time really nervous of what to reply to her. 

I have never hit on a girl before what should I even talk about with a girl. My mind thinking of endless possibilities what to reply on her message. Possibilities that could not let her lose interest on our conversation. As my hand gets closer to my phone the more faster my heart beats. 

"Who's this?"

"It's better you don't know" I Nervously replied and let go of my phone.

"Seriously, Who's this?"

"Just joking, I'm a guy at section D"

"How did you even get my number?"

"I asked your number to some I knew in your class, But please don't get mad at her. I just want to know you" 

" Okay, can you tell me your name?" She asked.

"Uhmmmm, I'm Leo by the way :)"

"Hi Leo, I'm Lea. lol our name's almost the same" She replied.

My mind getting excited and heart getting overjoyed by how she replied "lol". She said that so maybe I should just continue and entertain her.

"So, How was your day?"

The conversation Continued everyday, overnight and even during class hours. As we walk passed each other in the classroom corridors we just smile at each other. Every time She smiles I felt this sudden tingling sensation in my stomach that I have never experienced before.

"Is this Love?" Asking myself curiously.

A month has passed by, Me and Lea is still texting each other and have known each other.

"So, How was your day today?"

"It's a lot of fun, me and my friends talked about a guy that my friend likes" She replied.

Suddenly, I get this urge of telling her that I like her. But I don't know how to tell her. Should I just tell her normally?. So I got this crazy idea of having it more exciting.

"Hey Lea, Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?" 

"Do you have a crush on someone?" I asked anxiously.


"Come on, I'm also gonna tell you mine"

"Fine, Yes I do have a crush on someone" My heart skipped faster knowing she have a crush on someone.

"Who's your crush?"

"Tell yours first and I'll tell mine"

"Okay fine. 3, 2 , 1 ..."

P.S. : Got to end it here guys xD, Hope you like the second chapter <3 . Message me if you have some questions or remarks. 

~Love you guys xoxo

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