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It was time for the Summer Festival and Tadano was waiting just outside of the venue for his friends.

Tadano was busy thinking back at that moment Najimi had called him.

- Flashback -

Osana: Tadano-kun, there's a festival tonight!! Meet you there at 6 o'clock! Ah, and come wearing a Yukata!


- Present Time -

[... is what I was told, and I came, but... this doesn't suit me... there are surprisingly few people who're wearing Yukatas...] Tadano thought.

The Yukuta is his father's.

[I feel so out of place!] Tadano thought and began to tremble due him being nervous.

Tadano then hears a pair of footsteps and looks over to spot the twins. Both of them were wearing matching Yukatas.

Shouko had her hair done up in a bun with breads and an accessory.
Shouki had the strand of hair on the right side of his his face, clipped back with a flower hairpin.

Tadano: O... Ooh...
The twins looked so magnificent, Tadano-kun could only utter weird noises.

Shouki and Shouko: !?

Shouko then began nervously trembling while Shouki looked over his outfit.

Shouko: ..................

Shouki: ...

Shouko Does the Yukata not suit me.....

Shouki Is there something wrong with my outfit...

Tadano: Ah, no, you two just look so good I let my voice slip... y-you both look fine...!

Shouki: .................

Shouko: .................

[Najimi... should've told me that the twins were coming...] Tadano thought.

Shouko began digging in the little sack she'd brought with her.

Shouko She's looking for her notepad.

Shouko: !? !?

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