8| Car Thieves and Meatheads

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I suck in a deep breath, filling my lungs with the cool night air as I slowly walk down a quiet street in the middle of Southport

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I suck in a deep breath, filling my lungs with the cool night air as I slowly walk down a quiet street in the middle of Southport. There's just something about the city that relaxes me, and relaxation is definitely needed tonight.

After my failed talk with Sean this morning, I spent the rest of the day trying to figure out how to execute my plan without his help. I didn't come up with much, settling on asking Elsie and Tally for help tomorrow. With their constant texts, checking in on me, and offering to do a girls' night, I just didn't want to bring it up yet. I need tonight for myself. Clear my head before the first day of school and take a few scenic shots of the city.

Another few more minutes of walking and I finally reach my last destination before I head home. Southport City Park is one of my favorite places to go when I want to be alone with my thoughts and capture some great photos. It's practically empty this time of night too.

I stroll through the iron arched entry and pass a row of swings gently swaying in the breeze. Without the laughter of children, the only sound coming from them is the occasional squeak. I hold up my camera and take a couple of shots before moving on.

Once I reach the gazebo, I switch out my digital camera for the new film one sitting safely in my messenger bag. I fiddle with the settings before trying it out on the empty gazebo. Just with the first click, I can envision time spent in the school's dark room, finding out how the photos look for the first time. I have a feeling after the string of comments I saw online today that I'll be spending a good amount of time in my little sanctuary this coming week.

If Elsie and Tally don't try dragging me out that is.

With each click of my camera, it feels as if a small amount of weight is lifted from my shoulders. Eventually, a smile tugs at my lips as I breathe easier, and continue walking the grounds. I slowly make my way toward the back of the park where its brick barrier meets a thin road that is normally used for parking. It's not much bigger than an alley and the lighting is dim but I sometimes catch a few gems. Last time it was a cat playing with its kittens and the time before that was an elderly couple walking hand-in-hand. I doubt I'll find much at this time of night but I still want to check.

Though the closer I get to the back exit, a smaller version of the iron-arched entryway I had come through earlier, the higher my hopes get for something worth photographing. A murmur of voices travels with the breeze, causing my excitement to rise. Reaching the opening in the brick wall, I poke my head around the corner and instantly spot the source of the voices.

Huddled by the driver's side door of a nice-looking car are three figures. The street light on the corner barely reaches them, making their forms nothing but dark shadow-people among the line of cars. But even though I can see them, sort of, I still can't hear them.

Whispering among themselves, one of the figures bends down and pulls a long object out of a bag sitting at their feet. When he turns his full attention to the car door, I can just make out him trying to shove the object in the frame of the door before the other two crowd around to help.

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