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Excuse any errors. Sorry for the late update.


Monday Morning

I walked into my chemistry class and took a seat in my usual spot in the back row. The events of this weekend were still on my mind. Kennedy been blowin me up, but I haven't returned her calls.

"Wassup bro?" Kobe said taking a seat in the row in front of me. "You was up and out early this morning."

"Yea, I hit the gym. Had a lot on my mind."

"Word." He nodded. "I heard about what went down between you and Ken at the party. Who was shorty you was chasing after?"

"Vanessa."  I sighed.

"Damn bro, not lightskin from the picture."

"Yes bro." I chuckled. "Shit is crazy."

"Goodmorning class. This morning we will continue to review for the final. I will be passing out review sheets. You are to work on it for the first half of class, and the second half we will go over it together and I will answer any questions that you may have."

The class nodded. I reached into my bookbag and grabbed a pencil. I was ready for the semester to be over. Mostly because I was ready to get home to the family.

There was a knock on the door causing everyone to look up. The professor opened the door, and two police officers walked in along with my basketball coach and the dean of the school.

"Oh shit." Kobe mumbled under his breath.

"Can I help you gentlemen?"

"Amir." My coach called out. "Grab your things and come with me."

"What?" I questioned.


I raised my eyebrow before tossing my pencil into my bag and standing up from my chair. I could feel everybody staring at me as I made my way down the steps.

"Coach, what is this about?"

He ignored me before gently pushing me out the door. I followed the two officers down the hall while the dean and my coach were behind me.

"What is this about? I'm missing a test review." I said as we reached the outside of the  building.

"Where were you Saturday night Amir?" The dean asked.

"A party, where majority of the campus was. Why?"

"Some accusations have been made, son." My coach said to me.

"Accusations as in?"

"Did you engage in sexual contact with Kennedy Carmichael?" One of the officers asked.

"Respectfully, I don't see how that's any of your business."

"Actually, it is."

"Amir, just answer the question." I smacked my teeth before looking back at the officer.

"Yea, why?"

I watched as the officer pulled out handcuffs.

"Yo, what the fuck is this?"

"Kennedy came to us this morning." The dean said. "She stated that you sexually assaulted her Saturday night."

"I what!?"

The police officer grabbed my hands and placed them behind my back before pushing me towards the car.

"This is bullshit!" I yelled out. "Coach!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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