𝐒𝐢𝐱 - Sword in hand

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As the golden sun rose over the Red Keep the young Prince and Princess of Dragonstone wandered the halls aimlessly, both wearing ocean blue for their father's house. Jacaerys had written a letter to their mother stating that he was not sure when they would return home, but that it would not be too long as he knew the importance of his being on Dragonstone. That left the pair with few responsibilities and much free time to do with whatever they liked, hence their wanderings. They walked through the gardens, to the dragon pit, and spent some time in the library, scouring the shelves for books about the ancient dragons of Old Valeria.

After nearly an hour of pointless walking and watching, Daenaera and her brother reached the courtyard. There were many people standing there, doing various tasks such as sharpening swords and polishing armour, but most people were watching the second son of Viserys Targaryen and his wife's sworn protector in an intense battle. Aemond wielded his usual long sword, Night Slayer, and Ser Criston had his favourite weapon, a deadly morningstar. The pair stalked in circled, throwing offensive and defensive strikes back at one another. From where Jacaerys and Daenaera stood, it seemed to be a fairly even fight but as they worked their way through the crowd to get a closer look it became obvious that Aemond was not using his whole strength. Upon spotting the Princess looking at him, Aemond twisted his sword around in a way that made Ser Criston drop his morningstar. Daenaera looked into his eye and raised her brows as if you ask a question. He smirked before his gaze slid to her brother.

   "Have you come to train, Nephew? I'm sure Daeny would like to see how you've improved over the last year," asked Aemond, tilting his head to taunt Jacaerys. The young Prince took a step forwards, only to be held back by his sister, who had been glaring at the two boys.
"It's not worth it Jace. You'll only get hurt and prove him right."
"Will I now, Daeny?" replied the Prince. Daenaera frowned and lowed her arm, letting her brother pick up a sword and stalk into the ring of people.
"Good. You can prove how strong you are." taunted Aemond. Jacaerys swung his sword with little precision, his only aim to hurt his Uncle. Aemond blocked it and swung back, carefully and correctly. If the young prince had been a second slower, he would have lost an arm. They stood, sword to sword, pushing against each other. Suddenly, Aemond took a step back and pulled his sword away causing Jacaerys to fall forward. The blond Prince raised his steel sword and began to bring it down upon his nephew, but it was his niece who stood there instead, protecting her brother. She raised her arm and, before Aemond could stop, his sword sliced through her skin. Daenaera staggered back into her brother's arms. Her pale blue dress began turning a wine colour as her blood soaked into it, and all she did was stare at the silk.
"I liked this gown," she murmured before collapsing onto the floor.


   A bright light flooded Daenaera's eyes as they opened. She sat up in her bed only to find Jacaerys reading in the chair she kept next to the window. He raced over when he was that Dae had awoken.
"Are you well? Shall I get the maester? He only just left so I'm sure he's not far." spluttered her older brother. He began pacing towards the door when Daenaera stopped him with her voice.
"Wait, Jace, what happened?" asked Daenaera. She had only woken a few seconds prior and had no memory of what happened before she fell asleep.
"You- I- in the courtyard. Aemond, he..."
"He what? Jace, tell me what happened."
"He... Dae, your arm..." whispered Jacaerys, like he didn't want his sister to hear. Daenaera looked down at her arm and was that the sleeve of her gown has been cut off. In its place was a bandage, covered in specks of blood that could only belong to her.
"Oh, gods." Daenaera's voice trembled.
"The grand maester said it would heal within a month and that the bone wasn't damaged. You aren't to ride Veraxes or Vhalor until it heals as it may reopen the wound. And, well, he said you should probably stay in the Red Keep so he can monitor the healing process." Jace hesitated, waiting for Daenaera's response. She had wanted to leave for Dragonstone as soon as she was allowed, and now that wouldn't be for a month.
"I can't leave.. for a month?" uttered Dae, the sadness in her voice obvious.
"No, you must stay." answered her brother.
"You'll stay with me though?"
"I can't. I have to go home. Mother needs me back at Dragonstone."
"I need you here. You can't just leave me alone here, Jace. I have no one." spluttered Daenaera, her eyes filling with tears.
"I must do what mother asks of me, Dae. I don't have a choice."
"Get out." ordered the Princess.
"Leave. Go home. Now. Get out of my rooms." she repeated.
"I don't have to leave right now, I may stay a few more days." pleaded Jace.
"But Mother needs you. Go home Jacaerys." Daenaera hissed at her brother. She didn't really want him to leave, but her stubbornness refused to admit it. Jace watched her for a moment before sighing and turning to leave.

Daenaera watched as he left the room, slamming the wooden doors behind him. After the door closed she heard people conversing. One voice certainly belonged to Ser Kennat, another to her brother, but she couldn't pinpoint the final voice.
"-wouldn't leave... he's been here since you bought the princess-"
"-make him-" she heard her brother snapping.
"I only want to know if she is well-"
"-care?... don't even know her..."
It seemed to get like they were arguing and, exhausted as she was, Daenaera could not bother to be involved. She cared little what her brother had to say about the wound he was partially to blame for. Eventually, the voices died down, letting Daenaera drift back to sleep.

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