The Aftershock

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Philip Greengrass opened his eyes in the hospital wing of Hogwarts. The eyes of Hufflepuff House Head Professor Edmund Donovan stared down at him, as did those of Slytherin House Head Professor James Malfoy.

"I'll leave you to it." Professor Malfoy said. "He'll live."

The Slytherin professor left the room.

"You bought yourself a month's worth of detention, Greengrass." Donovan grunted. "You will not attend the Ball this year."

"But Professor--"

"Headmistress Scamander already made it clear that no student could take part in any political activities. You're lucky that you haven't been expelled; I lobbied long and hard on your behalf."

"Yes sir...." Philip said. 

Donovan left the room in a huff and Philip Greengrass dropped his head back down onto the pillow. In his mind, he screamed in rage.  There was a long and horrible scar running down his left cheek. 

Several hours later, Philip asked permission to take a walk. The first thing he did was to go to the Ravenclaw common room, taking care to conceal his face. From there, he went to the High Tower, where Marianna's room was. He knocked on the door several times. 

"I'm in the shower, I'll be right there!" Marianna's voice echoed out.

Philip waited. And waited. And waited. He was about to leave when Marianna opened the door. He turned around and saw her. 

"Philip, I heard that-- Merlin's beard! Philip what happened? Why did you do that to yourself?" Marianna gasped.

"I didn't. An Auror gave it to me. The Sectumsempra curse."

Marianna's eyes widened in horror. 

"I'd like to give you my wand. I might be expelled from school and I love you so much...." Philip's voice trailed off.

"I---Philip, I...."

Without saying another word, Philip grabbed Marianna's hand and kissed her ring. He smiled, tears running down his cheeks, before producing his wand and giving it to her. Philip Greengrass, 7th year Ravenclaw student, turned around and left. 

"I love you too...." was all Marianna could muster up after she shut the door, and even then, only in a whisper. She began to cry. 

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