The Dead Man's Hand

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Tonight was the Yule Ball. Philip Greengrass was growing restless. Sneaking out of the Hufflepuff Dormitory, he climbed the stairs to the Ravenclaw Towers. He knew that Marianna wouldn't go to the Ball without him. Opening the doors to her room, he found that it was empty. Philip now knew something was very wrong. He searched her drawers for his wand, but found only hers. 

Shit.... he thought to himself. 

In the Great Hall, plenty of students and faculty and indeed Ministry officials were dancing and eating. 

A girl in Ravenclaw robes entered the room. She was a deep blonde. Elise saw her and turned to her fiancée, enchanted by her.

"James, there is an extraordinary witch here!" Elise said.

"I know, I'm dancing with her," James said and Elise smiled.

"You're too kind."

"Everyone! Everyone! I have a most delightful announcement!" cried Headmistress Scamander. "James, Elise, come here! Doctor James Damien Malfoy—yes Doctor James Damien Malfoy: he came third in all of England!"

"Thank you, Luna!" James whispered, beaming with pride.

"Slytherin House Head, Professor Malfoy will take over the hospital wing starting next year. He'll be on his honeymoon in the spring as he is betrothed in marriage to--" Luna Scamander, Headmistress of Hogwarts never finished her sentence.


The blonde teenage witch stood at the rear of the hall aiming her wand where Magistrate Lestrange was sitting playing cards with several other officials. His arm was bleeding. Within moments, a number of Gryffindor and Slytherin students had grabbed the girl's arm and had wrenched it behind her back, before taking the wand from her.

"Dominick!" Longbottom exclaimed. "What do you want me to do?"

"Get. Her. Out."

"Yes, I'll get the Aurors."

"NO! I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET THE AURORS! I don't want them here. I just want you to get her ou---"

"LET ME ALONE!" the cry came from the end of the hall. A teenage boy in Hufflepuff robes but with a horribly scarred face shoved off the two guards. James recognized the wizard after a moment. It was the Greengrass boy. Philip, that's what his name was, wasn't it?

The Greengrass boy shoved his way through the crowd, took the girl by the arm hard and left. James set about treating Lestrange's wound. 

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