Chapter Two

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The bell rings, signaling lunchtime. Everyone goes to the cafeteria, stays in their classrooms, and eats home lunches. Saiki decided to go to the cafeteria, and as he sat down, he was approached by Toritsuka. "Saiki, I just discovered another psychic in this school!" Toritsuka excitedly exclaims. Saiki does not feel the same way, "I already know, and I don't care." "Oh, come on, Saiki! She's super strong, super nice, and a super hottie! We have to make her join the PK Psychics!" Saiki takes a bite of his meal. "Why would I care what happens in a group I don't want to be part of?" "Well, if you're not coming, I'll introduce myself." Saiki was momentarily silent as he thought of all the ways Toritsuka could mess this up before sighing, "Okay, I guess I'll go."

They head to the Grade Two Class Four classroom, where (Y/N) sits and eats her vending machine lunch. Toritsuka Saiki and Aiura, who joined them on the way to the room, spy on her from the outside. "Man, she's cute! A little on the flat side, but still a major hottie!" Toritsuka had this perverted look on his face with steam coming out of his nose. "See, this is exactly why I went with you." Aiura spoke up "I don't get it. What's, like, so special about her anyways?" So Toritsuka decides to explain, "Well, when I saw her at the vending machine, I caught a look at her guardian spirit, and this guy is unique."


(Y/N) puts her yen coins into the vending machine and chooses her lunch for the day while Toritsuka stalks her from the corner. "Oh, mama, I'd like to get a taste of that-what? Hang on." He looks at the girl's guardian spirit. A knight straight from a fantasy manga stands behind the girl, bravely guarding her against any trouble. The knight looks at Toritsuka and pulls out a giant sword as if he can sense Toritsuka's impure thoughts. "Begone, heathen!" The knight goes to strike down Toritsuka but Nendo's father appears and stops the sword with both hands. Toritsuka's guardian spirit isn't very happy about his ward being attacked "Hey, just what are you trying to pull here buddy?" The knight responds "I sensed the impurity of his mind towards my girl, therefore I shall silence him." Toritsuka is now on the floor cowering for his life "Ah! I'm sorry! I won't think anything but the purest of thoughts about her, just don't kill me!" Hearing his begging, (Y/N) turns her head to see who that was. Oddly enough, no one is there. The reason for that is Toritsuka is running away with his tail between his legs.

~Flashback Ends~ 

"If it weren't for my guardian spirit, I would've been skewered like a kebab!" Toritsuka sweats nervously. "That's what you get for being a perv," Aiura remarks. Aiura looks at (Y/N). "Kusuo, supress your aura, please. I wanna check this girl out." Saiki conceals his aura to reveal (Y/N)'s "Oh wow, you weren't kidding; this girl is giving off major power vibes." (Y/N) is surrounded by a silver dome with four Fluer de Lis' on each side. The lining is made of steel with rivets going vertically until they meet at the top to a sharp pointed piece. Aiura sees this purple squiggly lines with dark purple auras surrounding them bouncing off the shield like a repellent. "She's resisting all negative energy around her. Everyone goes through some mundane misfortune in life, but everything bounces right off. Hang on." Aiura inspects the aura closely. "It looks like her aura has this big crack. Maybe she experienced some trauma in her life." "Well, you've both seen her. Can we go now?" Saiki is extremely bored; "No way, Saiki! We gotta see her powers, then ask her to join the PK Psychics!" Toritsuka declares before Aiura shushes him, "Be quiet, you idiot; your big mouth is gonna give us away!" "Are you three gonna keep spying on me?" An annoyed (Y/N) stares at them with a menacing gaze while holding the door open. Aiura and Toritsuka looked shocked while Saiki sighed. "Good grief."

(Y/N) takes them to the school rooftop and confronts them. "So, what do you guys want?" she asks while simultaneously thinking, "Reita Toritsuka, the medium guy who can see people's guardian spirits. He doesn't look bad, but from what other girls have said, he's a huge perv. Then there's Mikoto Aiura, a spiritual medium, she can tell people's fortune, but she could be a fake for all I know. Then there's Kusuo Saiki, a pretty average guy, got nothing to go off of." Saiki also thinks, "Good grief, why did I have to be roped in with these clowns." "So, do you have psychic powers?" Toritsuka blurts out suddenly.

(Y/N) flinches visibly, which the others notice: "So you are a psychic!" Toritsuka yells, and he receives a smack to the face. He flies back and hits the wall creating a significant dent. Toritsuka passes out and falls to the ground front first. Aiura shivers under (Y/N)'s glare. "So what if I am a psychic? You going to do something about it?" (Y/N) stands over Aiura with an intimidating look while cracking her knuckles. Saiki lets out another sigh "What a pain. I just wanted to eat lunch."

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