Chapter Three

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"So what if I am a psychic? You going to do something about it?" Aiura shivers under (Y/N)'s glare. "N-No, you've got it all wrong!" "What's with this girl? One minute she's this stoic-looking schoolgirl. Now she looks like the final boss of a video game!" Aiura thought. Saiki hears their (Y/N) thoughts. "I can't let them blab to everyone about my powers. If this gets out, it could ruin my whole life. I'll be hunted down or worse!" On the outside (Y/N) looks calm and collected, but on the inside, she's panicking. Saiki decides to intervene before the situation gets worse. He stands up and faces (Y/N), taking her attention away from Aiura. "Huh? You got something to say?" "B-Be careful, Saiki! This girl's energy is way crazy! Whatever her powers are, she's not the type you wanna mess with!" (Y/N), and Saiki stares at each other, seemingly ready for a fight. Aiura can see their aura. They look like two characters powering up.

"I'm not gonna do anything because I already know what your powers are." (Y/N) looks confused. "Huh? Do you? And how're you speaking to me without talking." "Because I'm using telepathy; I am also a psychic." Those words shock (Y/N). "No way, you have psychic powers too?" "So that means I'm not alone?" (Y/N) looks down, trying to process everything. "So if you have psychic powers and can read my mind, why didn't you do anything about me?" That's right; if he is a psychic, why didn't he approach her sooner? There's a deeper meaning behind this question, one that Saiki knows. He responds to her using telepathy "I didn't have to. You're not causing any trouble, so there was no reason to confront you at all."

After a moment of pure silence, (Y/N) looks back at them, exclaiming, "I don't want anything to do with you guys. I want to go through life quietly. Do you understand?" Saiki did not miss this opportunity. "Yes, we accept; we'll leave you alone." "Good, then we're done here." (Y/N) walks away, leaving the other three psychics on the roof.

Aiura broke from shock and looked at Saiki. "Why did you let her walk away!?" "I welcome anyone who wants nothing to do with me." "But we have to make her join the PK Psychics! A girl with her strength could be helpful in a pinch!" This irked Saiki a bit. Why are they so persistent in making her join their group when (Y/N) clearly stated she did not want to participate? "Why do you want her to join so badly? You heard her; she wants to go through life quietly, as I do. I won't let her feel the same misfortune I do every day." "Well, that's a rude way to put it." "Is there a polite way to say it?" While they were talking, Toritsuka was in the back, writhing in pain with a purple slap mark on his face.

(Y/N) is walking to class in deep contemplation. "So there are more like me? I wonder if they're the only ones." she shakes her head and walks faster. "No, I can't associate myself with other psychics. I want to live quietly and live normally." The last time someone knew about her powers, it ended badly. She walks into class just as it starts. 

Though, PK Psychics do not give up so easily. The next day as (Y/N) walks to her class, Toritsuka stops her. He slams his hand on the lockers behind her trapping her there. He kabedon her. He looks different today; the scenery behind is filled with sparkles, the rose he has still carried the morning dew, and his eyes are dreamy like those from a shojo manga character. "Hey babe, thanks for picking me.~" (Y/N) blushes as she makes eye contact. "What? I-I didn't pick you." she gasps as his face approaches hers. She can smell the cologne he used. It's a mix of vanilla and roses, "Say, if you join my club, I can give you flowers like this every day; I'll let you even be my girlfriend. So, whaddya say?~" (Y/N)'s heart beats faster as Toritsuka's face gets closer, she can feel his warm breath fanning her face. His eyes look so clear up close like this. "He's different from yesterday. What is this feeling? Why is my chest hurting? Like my heart is about to explode!" overcome with feelings, she pushes Toritsuka away. "No! I'm not ready!" Unfortunately, Toritsuka is sent flying through the wall and out of the school. He passes so far away that he becomes a mere sparkle in the distance. (Y/N) looks from her hand to the hole in the wall, then quickly walks away. "What happened back there? He was different, but I can't fall for any of his tricks! He's a pervert, after all!" She walks faster to class. "I won't be fooled so easily!"

Meanwhile, Toritsuka is stuck in a tree with a family of birds pecking at him for ruining their nest. He is found by Saiki, who has a deadpan look on his face. "Seriously? You thought that would convince her?" To which the medium replies through pecks and scratches, "Well, it did! She's a little interested now!" He makes a scared cry as he falls out of the tree, his head making a conk sound when it hits the ground. Saiki sighs. "You are hopeless."

Later at lunch, (Y/N) pulls her bento from her lunchbox and opens it. "My mom packed me too much again. Well, thank you for the food." She began eating, taking a bite of the meal her mom prepared. She tasted the riceball chick with a thin layer of omelet around it. The omelet may be light, yet it has a salty flavoring. The rice underneath is firm to keep its shape yet soft enough that it's not too chewy. "I can't lie; my mom's cooking is the best." She gobbles up the delicious meal, leaving no crumbs. The door slides open, and everyone is met with a blinding light. A chorus of "Oh wow! It's Teruhashi!" erupts from the class as the perfect girl in PK Academy enters the classroom. Yumehara and Mera, of course, follow her. Teruhashi stands in front of a stunned (Y/N). "Your name (Y/N), right? I heard you helped Mera out the other day, and I just wanted to stop by and say thank you." (Y/N) blushes. "Holy hell, it's Teruhashi!?" "Uh, no problem, I just did what anyone would do." (Y/N) is flustered, she's never really talked to Teruhashi before so this is both a surprise and a delight. "Well, since we're here, why don't we have lunch with you!" Yumehara suggests, to which Teruhashi agrees, "Oh, that'd be a wonderful idea, only if (Y/N) doesn't mind?" they look back at said girl expectedly. In her flustered state, (Y/N) replies, "Sure, why not." Teruhashi claps her hands in happiness. "Wonderful! Well, don't mind us!" The girls sit with (Y/N) at her table.

Meanwhile, Saiki looks on from the window, subtly spying on them. "I knew something like this would happen. What a pain; I have to stop this before they rope her in. Otherwise, I'll have another nuisance to deal with."

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