Chapter 1

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A/N: I do NOT own MLB
Idea was given by Jss2141 

Marinette's POV

I was in the middle of getting screamed at by my father, though I'm starting to believe that I shouldn't call him that anymore, as has become the usual ever since Lila showed up. He's never slapped or hit me, but he's looked ready to time and again.

"Are you even listening to me!" He screamed when he noticed I wasn't paying attention. "I don't know who you've become, but you're not my daughter."

"I will tell you the same things I've been telling you, I've never willingly been in the same room with that lying bitch." I said back, venom and a growl in my tone.

Before I could process what happened, he punched me. Not a slap, a full on punch right across the face. His punch sent my flying across the room and into the tv, shattering the screen and getting a couple cuts on my face and hands.

"I never thought you'd go this far, especially for a liar." I said, getting up and spitting out a glob of blood on the floor that had pooled in my mouth due to my teeth cutting the inside of my cheek from the punch.

"Pack your stuff and get out, I never want to see you again!" Tom screamed at me. "You are a lying deceiving bitch that never should've been allowed inside my home!"

I didn't say another word to him as I went up to what used to be my room. I quickly packed all I could carry in one duffel bag, the miracle box also being inside of the bag. For a moment I stared at the balcony access hatch above what used to be my bed before I walked down to the bakery level and took the side door out, avoiding the two owners of the building.

As I was walking down the sidewalk I expected to be sad, breaking down until I couldn't walk anymore but that didn't happen. All I felt was a rage that felt unending, unyielding, unfading, and ever growing. It grew with each step I took, with every smile I saw on the pedestrians, every laugh I heard from a child. I'm honestly surprised Hawkmoth hasn't sent an akuma after me, but then again two he only sends them after his victims express their negative emotions.

I continued walking around Paris, looking for some place to stay since I don't think staying out in the open is a good idea. I just continued wandering as day slowly turned to night, and the people out slowly faded into it just being me outside. I continued walking well into the night, it was well past midnight and I still had yet to find any place suitable for my needs.

"Do you know who I am?!" I heard a lady shout.

"Nope, all I know is that you're rich and you're going to share those riches with me or I'll kill you." A male voice said in response.

"Don't touch me you vermin!" The lady shouted, anger present in her familiar voice.

I walked down the road and right inside the alleyway was Audrey Bourgeois, Chloe's mother that I didn't know was even back in Paris. I walked into the alleyway, my footsteps drawing their attention.

"Get lost little girl, before I take your bag too." The man said before letting out a laugh.

"I'd like to see you try." I challenged, anger in my voice, fury in my eyes.

I set my bag down on the ground before turning back to the shocked, and growing angry, attempted robber.

"I'll kill you, just because you're a little girl don't get you a free pass to speak to me like that!" The man shouted, pulling out a knife.

The man lunged at me but I just tilted to the side, letting the knife slice the air where I used to be. Before he could move back I sent a fist straight into his ribs, feeling them break on contact. The man howled in pain before trying to stab me. I grabbed his wrist in my hand before twisting hard and hearing a resounding snap. There was silence, before he let out a high pitch howl of pain, clutching his wrist and ribs.

After the fight was over I went to leave but Audrey caught my arm.

"Now, I've never seen anybody fight like that." Audrey said.

"What do you want Audrey, and speak fast or I'll release my anger on you as well." I threatened, anger in my voice.

"You seem full of rage, and you are exceptionally skilled in fighting." Audrey said, a touch nervous due to my threat and former display of anger and skill. "Plus you have a bag and are walking the streets of Paris at three in the morning."

"What of it." I said, fighting every urge to hit her.

"I know of a less than legal activity that I believe you'll excel at, it would make you a lot of money." Audrey said, gaining a smirk on her face. "A fighting type activity, for every fight you win you'd get a week's stay at my hotel for free plus your earnings from the fight."

"Alright, I'm in." I said after a minute of thinking about it.

"Then come with me, your first fight will be tomorrow." Audrey said. "Fight nights are every three nights, and there are three leagues, baby league which everyone starts in and has rules so nobody dies in the baby league, minor league which has only one rule of no killing where you can be hospitalized for serious injuries and using weapons is frowned upon but not against the rules, and champion league with the best of the best." Audrey paused in her steps, making sure I was still following her. "In the champion league there are no rules, nothing is frowned upon, and the crowd cheers for the deaths of the fighters."

She looked surprised and weary when I didn't show any sign of hesitation or having second thoughts, but she shrugged it off and asked the front desk for a key to a room on the second floor.

"The longer you are working with me the higher up you'll go." She said, but I gave no response. "There is a gym with all kinds of equipment to help you get stronger and better just down the hallway to the left of your room, I hope you'll make good use of it."

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