Chapter 2

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Marinette's POV

It was around five months ago that I joined the fighting ring, I've been in the champion league for about seven days now and Audrey moved me into the room across the hall from her daughter, Chloe the bitch. The day after tomorrow I get to challenge the champion unless something comes up and the chairman changes things, hopefully I'll be the newly crowned champion, if not then I'll probably be dead so it won't matter. During my fights I've been stabbed, slashed, crushed, bruised, battered, and bloodied, but I've not lost once as of yet. I've buffed up in the months that I've been really focusing on getting stronger, I honestly look like a member of the armed forces due to my physique. I changed my hairstyle, I no longer have pigtails but a braided ponytail. I still do my job as Ladybug, but I no longer am all smiles anymore. I fake a smile for the civilians and that's all they care about, but Chat Noir knows that the smiles are fake, so does every other temporary holder, which I didn't change them because that would risk exposing my identity.

"Come on, it's time for school Dupain-Cheng!" Chloe shouted over top of my music playing from the speakers, not really looking at me.

"I've told you time and again not to call me that, Bourgeois." I said, a cold anger in my voice causing her to flinch.

I threw on my jacket and wiped the sweat from my face with my towel before exiting the room. I grabbed my bag filled with school stuff and walked past Chloe and out to the limo. Ever since I got into the champion league Audrey has been parading me around like some kind of trophy, and that includes riding to school with her daughter. When that started seven days ago you can probably guess that Chloe threw a fit and everybody else at school gawked in shock at me stepping out of a limo with Chloe. People bombarded the both of us with questions but got answers from neither of us.

When we got to the school I went to the showers since I didn't have time to before coming here from the gym. On my way out I was ambushed by most of the girls, all except Chloe.

"Alright, that's enough ignoring us!" Alya yelled, grabbing my arm when I tried to just walk by.

"Let go before I break your arm." I said coldly, anger in my eyes. "I have no time for Lila's sheep."

"Wow, not even trying to hide how mean you are anymore?" Alya questioned me with a sneer.

"You have till the count of three to get your disgusting hands off of me." I said, staring directly into her eyes. "One... Two... Three." Before I could grab ahold of her arm to snap it she jumped back, fear in her eyes, fear of me. "Now, I don't hide what I do to people, I never have and I never will."

"So you really are a bully." Alya said, her voice quivering.

"No, I have never bullied anyone." I responded blankly, keeping my rage in check. "But, now I will not take anyone's crap anymore."

"What do you call threatening people then?" Alya questioned, getting braver after looking around her and remembering she's not alone.

"I don't know, what do you call ganging up on someone, six to one?" I questioned right back. "From those numbers you lot are the bullies."

"She's right, we're the ones that ambushed her, not the other way around." Alix said, getting nervous glances from the others. "Why are we even here this time?"

"Because she tried to hit Lila." Alya said.

"But that's clearly not true, she showed up to school with Chloe and clearly just got out of the showers so she hasn't had the time to." Alix reasoned. "Plus just look at her, there's no way Lila could've blocked a hit from Marinette."

"You always were smarter than most Alix, but I still don't forgive you." I said bluntly, shoving past the group.

I put my stuff in my locker before pulling out my school bag and heading to class, leaving a shocked group behind. When I entered the room Adrien tried to trip me but instead I just walked through his leg, probably twisting his ankle or hip judging by his shout of pain.

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