Chapter 8

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Marinette's POV

In the end I'm the one that solved the issue by offering to move to a different floor despite me moving up to that floor was a reward for getting into the champion league so quickly. Yes I'm a bit miffed about losing something I gained for putting in literal blood, sweat, and pain, I'd say tears but I don't cry anymore, not since the day Tom tried to kill me.

I'm currently in the gym bench pressing almost three hundred pounds without any issue. As I'm putting the bar back on the rack a blonde head of hair comes into view from the top, almost causing me to catch her with the bar.

"So, how do you really feel about tomorrow?" Chloe asked, sitting on the bench as I sat up. "Not just this I'm excited crap, we all know you are but not for what we think."

"Alright, you wanna get into the nitty-gritty?" I asked her, taking off my jacket since it's completely soaked in sweat. "I would kill him for trying to kill me but I know that I'll choke and fail if I go into this fight with that mindset since I've never wanted to or tried to kill anyone before."

"Not even Lila?" Chloe asked curiously.

"Nope, not even Lila." I answered with a shake of my head. "I want to pay him back for trying to kill me, which means I will fight this next battle with the intent to cause as much pain to him as possible, you'll see me much more vicious than you think is possible for me."

"From your name in that place I kinda figured you were vicious anyways." Chloe said with a shrug. "Especially after your display yesterday."

"No, I'm talking purposefully shattering bones and then repeatedly hitting them, I'm talking everybody will think I'm trying to kill him, vicious." I clarified for her. "Are you sure you want to be present for this fight, it'll make you look at me like I'm a monster."

"Marinette, I saw the marks he left on you five months ago, you'll be the one fighting the monster." Chloe said softly, completely unlike her. "You are not a monster, no matter what you do, you won't be able to be a monster."

"I can't wait until tomorrow is done, I'll finally be free." I whispered to myself.

"What do you mean?" Chloe asked shocked.

"After tomorrow I don't have a reason to continue." I answered, despite not intending for her to know. "Think of my life, what reason do I have to continue after I pay Tom back?"

"Me, I need you." Chloe answered quietly.

"No, what you need is a fighter and after Tom loses to me The Moth will cut him loose." I told her. "Nobody needs me for me, they always just need something from me."

"It's not like that." Chloe said, not offering anything to back it up.

"Name one time when someone's been kind to me that they haven't been after something." I challenged her, but got no response. "Even now, the only reason you're even talking to me is because you want me to fight for you."

"So what, it's not like you aren't getting anything out of this." Chloe said back, getting huffy.

"Yes, that's because I adapted to the world, learned how it really worked." I answered. "So, while I may be the exact same as everybody else now, I've got a lot of catching up to do if I want to be as bad as everybody else."

"What about Alix?" Chloe asked, causing my head to snap up in confusion. "Don't look at my like that, we all know it was Alix you were referring to in class earlier, well everybody but Alix knows it."

"Doesn't matter, it probably won't work out anyway, like my last relationship and the one before that." I said with a sigh, getting a look of confusion from Chloe.

"I know about you dating Adrien, but who before that?" Chloe asked curiously. "Even I'm pissed about what Adrien did."

"It was Luka, we broke up because I have a secret that I haven't told anyone." I answered vaguely.

"What's the secret?" Chloe asked curiously.

"You'll find out tomorrow, when a saga comes to an end." I said mysteriously, getting a groan of annoyance from her.

"Fine then, how long have you had a crush on Alix?" Chloe asked, moving on from the previous topic.

"Since before I even knew the name Agreste." I answered honestly. "But she was always focused on Kim who is always focused on Ondina."

"Then why did you move on to Adrien instead of making a move for Alix?" Chloe asked curiously.

"Because Alix has never given me the time of day, when has Alix ever actually even said a word to me without her focus elsewhere?" I asked Chloe, who looked lost in thought before a sad looked encompassed her face. "And you asked me why I changed targets."

"Well she's been staring at you ever since you revealed Lila's lies." Chloe told me, and I didn't even have a clue, too focused on a way to fight Tom. "So you have a chance now."

"In that case you can bring her to it tomorrow night." I said, shocking Chloe. "She'll be there as my guest, not a supporter or fighter."

"I thought their was only two options." Chloe said confused.

"For you, since you are Audrey's daughter." I clarified for her. "Alix and her family have no connection to it as far as I'm aware."

"Alright, but after this I'd like for you to be my fighter." Chloe said.

"That won't be possible, no matter the outcome of the fight." I said to her sadly. "If I lose the fight I'll die, if I win I'll lose my memories of the past year plus a few extra months."

"What do you mean, how could you know that and why so specific?" Chloe asked alarmed.

"All of your questions will be answered in time." I said calmly.

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