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3rd Person POV

The next day at school the only thing people were talking about was Marinette, again. But this time it wasn't because of Lila, no it was because of the fight that was put on YouTube, obviously with an edited background. They were all talking about her and how the video might be fake, that is until they saw Marinette's face, all black and blue and bandaged up. People were shocked when they saw her, and some even bowed down since the part of her revealing herself as Ladybug was also in the video. When she got into class Alix rushed up and kissed her, drawing a shocked gasp out of her but she reciprocated the kiss.

"I'm sorry for never noticing before." Alix said quietly after she broke the kiss.

"It's alright, you know now and that's what matters." Marinette said with a bright smile

"Hey girl!" Alya cheered, rushing up to the two, receiving a glare from Alix and a blank look from Marinette.

"Who are you?" Marinette asked, faux confusion on her face.

"I'm your best friend!" Alya said excitedly.

"While I may have no memories of you I was smart enough to write myself a letter to explain everything." Marinette started, an angry look appearing on her face. "So I know who you are, I just don't know why I was ever friends with you to begin with."

Alya face dropped in shock while Marinette brushed past her and sat in the seat behind Chloe who is sitting beside Sabrina with Zoe across the aisle. Alix sat beside Marinette, who blushed but smiled regardless.

With The Miracle Box

Su-Han was sitting and scrolling on his phone through YouTube when he came across a video posted seconds ago. He tapped on it since he saw Marinette in it. Just as he tapped on the video the miracle box appeared in front of him unnoticed. He watched the video, surprised at Marinette's fighting ability and brutality, but when it came to the final part he dropped his phone in shock, breaking it. When his phone dropped the only thing in front of him was the miracle box. He opened the miracle box to see that it was full, every miraculous of the box was present and accounted for. He smiled in surprise before silently sending a thank you Marinette's way.

With Tom and Sabine In The Hospital

"What happened, why am I in the hospital?" Tom asked when he woke up, covered in casts and bandages.

"You got your ass kicked by our former daughter." Sabine answered blankly. "You told me that she ran away."

"I was worried that you'd leave me if I told you what really happened." Tom answered sadly.

"And you were right, but now I'm suing you as well." Sabine said calmly. "You've taken my daughter from me, and tried to kill her as well." Tom looked like he was either going to shout in rage or cry. "I will never get Marinette back and neither will you, and we both have to live with the consequences of your actions."

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